Steve Gottcent, Grantmaking Specialist from the QCCFSteve Gottcent, Grantmaking Specialist from the QCCF gave a great presentation about how the Community Foundation works with the Rotary Club, Scholarship information, and more ![]() |
Spotlighting Davenport Rotary's awesome Members
Spotlighting Davenport Rotary's awesome Members ![]() Thank you to Tom Bowman , Past President & long-time Member for speaking today ![]() |
Another great Monday Noon Meeting!Thank you to our March 18th Speakers, Guests, & Davenport Rotarians for another great Monday Noon Meeting! Sara Cross Executive Director, First Tee - Quad Cities -and- Chad Dyson, Director of Davenport Parks and Rec ![]() |
Rotary Blood Drive - April 15th 2024Rotary Blood Drive - April 15th 2024 Location = Holiday Inn [at 4215 Elmore Ave, Davenport, IA] |
Monday 2.26.24 NoonAnother jam-packed Monday Weekly Membership Meeting with many Davenport Rotarians & Guests! Welcoming our final Session of Junior Rotarians for this school year, celebrating over $3300 in proceeds from the Trivia Night Fundraiser, and learning about the Davenport Schools' Long-Range Facilities Plan from Superintendent TJ Schneckloth & John Mahon from Bray Architects. TJ Schneckloth, Davenport Schools Superintendent John Mahon from Bray Architects |
Evening Club Fun!!!Davenport Rotary Evening Club Members & Guests hanging out on the red carpet at their February 2024 Monthly Meeting in Downtown Davenport at The Last Picture House ![]() |
Pleased to announce Davenport Rotary's newest Board Member...Holly Cochran! In addition to her on-going volunteerism for the Social/Fundraising Committes, and work with PR/Social Media/facebook - The Board of Davenport Rotary thanks Holly for accepting the nominations for Vice President 2023-24, and President-Elect 2024-25! ![]() |
News for Trivia 2/10/24 Event!(Updated 02.08.24) Note below from Social Committee Chair Kat Jecklin... ______________________________ Hello Rotarians! With the Trivia Night coming up on February 10th, we need your help to make this a success! What do we need you may ask????
Let’s make this a success!!!!! Kathryn Jecklin AVP Retail Sales Manager American Bank & Trust 4301 E. 53rd St. Davenport IA 52807-3861 Office Phone: 563.441.6582 |
Noon Membership Meeting 1/8/24We got our Monday Noon Membership Meeting 1/8/24 in before the snow! Hope everyone is staying safe & warm. ![]() |
New Member Induction for Julian Vandervelde by Membership Committee Chair Jim Wegener![]() |
NO NOON MEETING JANUARY 15thNO NOON MEETING JANUARY 15th - in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Visit the Stories Page for past events, etc. |
Evening Club Fun!Davenport Rotary Evening Club Members at the January 2024 Monthly Meeting checking out new hotspot The Garrison in Downtown Davenport ![]() |
Trivia Night Fundraiser - Sat. Feb 10th, 2024 |
Honoring Paul Harris GivingHonoring Paul Harris Giving Foundation Chair Brock Earnhardt shared information about Rotary International & Foundation giving during the 2023 Annual Davenport Rotary Holiday Party, and presented Club President Mike Hamann with his 2-sapphire Paul Harris pin ![]() |
Upcoming Noon Weekly Meetings & EventsUpcoming Noon Weekly Meetings & Events See Web Calendar for 2024 & watch your email inbox |
Another Great Weekly Monday Noon Membership Meeting!Had a fun meeting at the Mississippi Spoon Gallery Museum! Learned some intersting new things, bid farewell to our Junior Rotarians Session #4, and welcomed our newest member Julian Vandervelde, Business Operations Director at Shaw Electric See the pics on fb: ![]() |
Events & Projects-Sat. Feb 3rd, 2024 ~ Hand-In-Hand Chili Cook-off ; Davenport Rotary will be partnering and offering Volunteer Opportunities ; more information will be availabe at upcoming Monday Noon Meetings -Sat. Feb. 10th, 2024 ~ Valentine Themed Trivia Night Fundraiser at Columbus Club ; Planning in-Progress ; More info to come closer to date -Dana Nelson-Holstein distributed ‘angel requests’ at 12/04 from CASI’s Santa for Seniors Program for Christmas 2023 ~ all expected to be fulfilled, plus additional Members to contribute directly thru CASI
---Keep an eye on Web Calendar for updates on the above & more: |
Davenport Rotary Giving (thanks to 2023 Golf Outing Fundraiser)Davenport Rotary Giving (thanks to 2023 Golf Outing Fundraiser) $2500 to YMCA of Mississippi Valley $2500 to Davenport Community Schools Foundation $2500 to Family Resources/Braking Traffik ![]() |
Davenport Rotary Evening Club Fun 12/4/23!![]() |
Rotary Night at Circa 21 ~ Saturday December 9th, 2023Rotary Night at Circa 21 ~ Saturday December 9th, 2023 Our friends at the Rock Island Rotary Club have arranged a festive event for all Quad City local Rotary Club Members & Guests! |
9th Annual Boys & Girls Club ThanksgivingThe 9th Annual Boys & Girls Club Thanksgiving on Fri. Nov. 17th was a great success, with over 20 Volunteers! - Thank you to Liz Zimmerman Waldman for organizing and cooking the turkeys - Thank you to Jim Wegener/Thrivent for donating $250 for groceries, and supplying volunteer T-Shirts ![]() ![]() |
18th Annual Youth Harvest EventTHE KIDS & VOLUNTEERS HAD AN AWESOME TIME at the 18th Annual Youth Harvest Event (at Pride of the Wapsi in Long Grove, IA) Thank you to Event Chair Chris Townsend and his team for organizing this amazing event yearly! ![]() |
Murder Mystery Theatre Fundraiser~THANKS TO OUR AWESOME MEMBERS, GUESTS, DONORS, VOLUNTEERS, & PLANNING COMMITTEE, The Sat. Nov. 4th, 2023: Murder Mystery Theatre Fundraiser WAS A GREAT SUCCESS!!! ~over $4500 was raised to support future Grants & Events ~A wonderful time was had by all! ![]() |
Visit us on facebook! |
Davenport Rotary Noon "Field Trips"Davenport Rotary Noon "Field Trips" We're taking some of our Monday Noons 'On the Road' Keep an eye on the web calendar for details & updates July 17th at Ridgecrest July 31st at One Eighty August 28th at Rock Island Arsenal Museum October 2nd at Medic EMS October 23rd at Hilltop Campus Village
May & June 2023 Meeting NewsMay & June 2023 Meeting News from Davenport Rotary WEEKLY NOON MEETINGS & other related Monday May 22nd: WEEKLY NOON MEETING at Bittner YMCA, downtown Davenport Scholarship Recipients Recognition Meeting Monday May 29th: NO WEEKLY NOON MEETING - in observance of Memorial Day Monday June 5th: NO WEEKLY NOON MEETING - will have "Spring Fling" event the evening of June 7th (details to come) Monday June 5th: EVENING CLUB MEETING - NO MONTHLY JUNE EVENING MEETING Wednesday June 7th: "Spring Fling" - a family-friendly evening of bowling for Davenport Rotarians (details to come ~ 'Save The Date' has been sent to all Davenport Rotarians) Monday June 12th: NO ‘regular’ Noon ~ we’ll be at Mayor Matson’s State of the City event at Rhythm City Casino (details to come ~ 'Save The Date' has been sent to all Davenport Rotarians) Monday June 19th: NO WEEKLY NOON MEETING - in observance of Juneteenth Monday June 26th: WEEKLY NOON MEETING at Bittner YMCA, downtown Davenport Last Noon Meeting of this Davenport Rotary Year July 2022 - June 2023 "State of the Club" / Awards Other Upcoming Events: Friday June 2nd 2023 Davenport Rotary Golf Outing at Duck Creek Info/Flyers/& more info at: Questions about Golf Outing? Contact: Chris Townsend: or Mike Hamann:
Web Calendar is updated into July 2023 with Speakers, Holidays, & Events as confirmed: |
DAVENPORT ROTARY 2023 GOLF OUTING!!!DAVENPORT ROTARY's 2023 GOLF OUTING was held on Friday June 2nd, 2023 at Duck Creek Golf Course ~The Board will be announcing proceeds and grantees soon!!!~ |
March 2023 Meeting NewsMarch 2023 Meeting News from Davenport Rotary Great Meetings were held: March 6: WEEKLY NOON MEETING Location = The Columbus Club (formerly Knights of Columbus) [1111 W 35th St, Davenport, IA 52806] Speaker: Kim Hatfield, Community Liaison with Eagle View Behavioral Health March 6: Davenport Evening Club Meeting at 5:30pm at Stouts [4471 53rd Ave, Bettendorf, IA 52722] March 13: WEEKLY NOON MEETING Location = Biaggi's Speaker: Rev. Dwight Ford, Project NOW Upcoming Meetings: March 20: WEEKLY NOON MEETING Location = SteepleGate Inn [at 100 West 76th Street , Davenport, IA 52806] Speaker: Col. Dan Mitchell, Garrison Commander RI Arsenal March 27: WEEKLY NOON MEETING Location = JB Young Opportunity Center [1702 N Main St, Davenport, IA 52803] For the meeting: TJ Schneckloth, Davenport Schools Superintendent & Davenport Rotarian, will take us on a tour of the J.B. Young Opportunity Center ~ to include the Davenport Schools Museum, ProStart Culinary Arts Program, and more! Upcoming Events: March 30: Rotary Blood Drive Location = SteepleGate Inn [at 100 West 76th Street , Davenport, IA 52806] ~See attached flyer for more info... Direct questions to Mary Egger Web Calendar is updated into July 2023 with Speakers, Holidays, & Events as confirmed: |
NOTE re: Noon Meeting Locations Feb 27th & beyond****************************** NOTE re: Noon Meeting Locations Feb 27th & beyond = The Davenport Rotary Board is working on trying out some new locations beginning February 27th in hopes of finding a new home for our Monday Noons... Locations for each Noon Monday Meeting = in weekly email invite to all Members & on the web calendar ... THANK YOU for your patience & understanding as we work to find the best fit for our future :) ****************************** |
Web Calendar 2023-2024Keep an eye on web calendar for upcoming meetings & events
Monday 01.09.2023 All Club Meeting
(MWP recently informed us on afternoon of 01.06.2023 that they will be closed on 01.09.2023 due to a water main break) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For 01.09.2023 Monday Noon Meeting... RSVPs needed by Fri. 01.06.2023 at 10am to A note from Davenport Rotary President Liz Zimmerman Waldman: _____________________________ "My Fellow Rotarians, Please join me on Monday, January 9 for a very important All Club Meeting. We will be reviewing our accomplishments so far this Rotary year and creating goals for the next six months. We will also have door prizes and will be announcing new initiatives (especially those interested in Paul Harris Awards!). Your attendance in person or via Zoom is vital to our club's future. We need all ideas, concerns, and enthusiasm to keep our momentum! Thank you and see you January 9th! Please remember to RSVP by 1/6. Liz Zimmerman Waldman President, Davenport Rotary Club" _____________________________ More Meeting Info - In-Person Location = Modern Woodmen Park (MWP) - Zoom attendance will be available for this meeting (Details to be sent to all Members) - Requesting NO GUESTS at 01.09.23, as will be discussing internal Club Business ------------------------- -Modern Woodmen Park (MWP) is located at 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA 52802 -When you arrive at MWP, enter through the Suites doors & staff there will direct you to the meeting room (will vary weekly) -In-Person Lunch fee at MWP for Members who do not pay full Active category Quarterly Dues = $16 -No fee to attend if are not having lunch -Masks are not required at MWP |
Evening Club Fun! |
Annual Holiday Party![]() No "Program" ~ Just celebrating with food, fun, games, activities, & entertainment Please RSVP by Friday 12.16.22 at 10am to ***Modern Woodmen Park (MWP) is located at 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA 52802 -When you arrive at MWP, enter through the Suites doors & front desk staff will direct you to the meeting room (varies weekly) |
Christmas Giving 2022Thank you to Davenport Rotarians for being 'Secret Santas' for CASI, as presented to Club Members from Local Community Service Chair Dana Nelson-Holstein
Pleased to announce Donation to YWCA for Thanksgiving 2022 BasketsDonation to YWCA for Thanksgiving Baskets Thank you to Davenport Rotarians for your cash donations that allowed us to give $216 to the YWCA for their Thanksgiving Baskets effort
2022 Annual Boys & Girls Club Thanksgiving2022 Annual Boys & Girls Club Thanksgiving In addition to having our awesome Davenport Rotarians volunteer their time, the Club also donated $300 to Boys & Girls Club for Thanksgiving 2022 Annual Event pics = on Facebook (link below) ![]() |
Youth Harvest 2022Youth Harvest 2022 - pics & thanks ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
SPECIAL MEETING / COMMUNITY TRAININGSPECIAL MEETING / COMMUNITY TRAINING 10.03.22 Mon. 10.03.2022 Weekly Noon Meeting Speaker: Iowa Secretary of State Paul D. Pate Topic: Human Trafficking Training Calendar: |
2022 Fall/Winter Community Service Events2022 Fall/Winter Community Service Events 11.18.22 Annual Boys & Girls Club Thanksgiving Times = TBD Location = J.B. Young Further Details to be emailed to all Members when available December 2022 Christmas Project ~ TBD
Thank you Bix Volunteers!Thank you Bix 2022 Volunteers! Eloise Graham Sean & Stephanie Eckhardt Gary & Judy Loss Maggie Tinsman
*Page Under Construction**Davenport Rotary Home Page = a work-in-progress* Please bear with us as we work out some formatting and embedding kinks on our stories and home page listings ~ sorry if any links aren't working, etc... Thank you!!! Have an event or item you'd like to submit for consideration to highlight on these pages?! And/or add to the Web Calendar? Please email
Upcoming Meetings & EventsFor upcoming Meetings & Events info: Web Calendar is updated as details are confirmed:
Quad Cities Heart Walk updateQuad Cities Heart WalkUpdate: Davenport Rotary Club proudly participated in the 6/11/22 Quad Cities Heart Walk ~ thank you to Davenport Rotary Membership Committee Chair Jim Wegener for organizing, to Members who walked & to all who donated!!! *UPDATE* The 'numbers are in' - we raised $357.75 for the American Heart Association QC chapter for the 6/11 event- thank you Davenport Rotarians! |
NO Monday April 18 Noon Meeting – in observance of EasterREMINDER: NO Monday April 18 Noon Meeting – in observance of Easter Upcoming Monday Noon Meetings In-Person continuing to meet 'as usual' at the Y (at least through May), R. Richard Bittner YMCA in Downtown Davenport 630 E 4th St, Davenport, IA 52801 with Zoom attendance option (*ZOOM link/log-in is emailed to all weekly*) |
Paul Harris Society recognitions-Thank you to Foundation Chair Brock Earnhardt & Past President Sean Eckhardt for presenting Hap Volz with his most recent Paul Harris Society recognition pin at the Monday Noon Meeting 06/06/22! -Thank you to Foundation Chair Brock Earnhardt & President Tom Bowman for presenting Patt Englander with her Paul Harris Society recognition pin & certificate at the Monday Noon Meeting 04/04/22! |
Junior Rotarians 2022 |
Visit & 'Like' the Rotary Club of Davenport facebook page for weekly updates!Please visit our facebook page for updates on weekly Monday Noon Meetings & more! "Like" it & add it to your NewsFeed to keep up to date :) ![]() |
2022 Evening Social Club Meetings!The new Davenport Evening Club began meeting in February 2022 and continues to meet monthly --- typically held the first Monday of each month at 5:30pm at varying Davenport locations For upcoming Evening Social Club Meeting info, visit: Thank you to Membership Committee Chair Jim Wegener for founding the Evening Club, to Melissa Hancock for co-chairing, and to both for coordinating these evening meetings ~ they have been a blast ~ let's keep the momentum going!!! ![]() |
UPDATE FOR FEBRUARY:In-Person Meetings are scheduled to resume Mon. 02.28.22 ~Weekly Monday Noon Meetings 01.31.22, 02.07.22, & 02.14.22 via ZOOM ONLY (log-in info will be sent weekly to all Members via email) ~02.21.22 No Meeting (President's Day) ~02.28.22 Returning to In-Person (with Zoom attendance option) at the R. Richard Bittner YMCA 630 E. 4th St. Davenport, IA 52801 ~ Web Calendar is updated as updates & details are confirmed:
All January 2022 meetings will be via Zoom-onlyAll January 2022 meetings will be via Zoom-only For the safety of our Members amidst rising COVID concerns, the Rotary Club of Davenport Board has elected to hold Weekly Monday Noon Meetings in January 2022 via ZOOM ONLY (log-in info will be sent weekly to all Members via email) ~ Web Calendar is updated as updates & details are confirmed:
HAPPY NEWS :)HAPPY NEWS :) Thanks to the giving hearts of Davenport Rotarians, We were able to gift: $1038 to the Cultural Diversity Club of Davenport Schools/UTHS/iJAG to send students on their Spring 2022 Washington, D.C. trip And $1137 to the YWCA of the Quad Cities, Iowa Empowerment Center to assist two (2) families with Everything Christmas Baskets ![]() |
Davenport Rotarians In Action!Davenport Rotarians In Action! Making 'tie-blankets' to donate to the YWCA of the Quad Cities/Iowa Empowerment Center, in conjunction with our 2021 Christmas Project of donations to assist two (2) families with 'Everything Christmas Baskets', to include everything the families will need for their Christmas meal, as well as some gifts. ![]() |
Visit with DG Alka KhanolkarVisit with DG Alka Khanolkar ![]() |
Davenport Mayor Mike Matson proclaims 10/24/21 World Polio Day![]() |
Grant Requests 2021Reminder of 10/31/21 Deadline for 2021-2022 Fundraising & Grants submissions Info email from President Elect Liz Zimmerman Waldman was sent to all 9/1/21; reminder email sent 10/10/21 Contact Liz with submissions or questions |
Visit us on facebook for recent meeting news |
Visit us on facebook for 5/24/21 Meeting Update |
Visit us on facebook for 6/14/21 Meeting Update |
2021 MONDAY NOON MEETINGS2021 In-Person Meetings will be held at R. Richard Bittner YMCA in Downtown Davenport through December 2021 (Members will be emailed if/when a meeting is to be held elsewhere &/or via Zoom only) *ZOOM attendance to remain an option PLEASE KEEP AN EYE ON THE CALENDAR (& your personal email Inbox) for 2021 UPDATES:
2021-2022 Visioning MeetingsThe Rotary Club of Davenport's Board is working on a GREAT Membership Year for July 2021 through June 2022 ~ Visioning Meetings: First meeting was held Thursday May 6th, 2021~ with 11 In-Person & 5 Zoom attendees; Second meeting was held Monday June 7th, 2021~ with 7 In-Person & 5 Zoom attendees; Future meetings will be announced when scheduled; Invites will be sent to all current Davenport Rotarians~ Please contact us at if you'd like further information. |
2021 Davenport Rotary Scholarship ApplicationROTARY CLUB OF DAVENPORT SCHOLARSHIP – SCHOLASTIC/LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP For the story behind the Rotary Club of Davenport Scholarship, click here. QCCF web links:
Rotary Foundation’s Distinguished Service awardRotary Foundation’s Distinguished Service award ![]() Only 42 Rotarians in the world were selected to receive The Rotary Foundation’s Distinguished Service award, its highest honor. Brock Earnhardt of the Rotary Club of Davenport was one of the recipients of the honor which “recognizes significant and dedicated service by a Rotarian to promote Foundation programs and thus advance the Foundation's goal of better understanding and friendly relations among people of the world.” |
Davenport Rotary Summer 2020 Grants![]() During the summer of 2020, Davenport Rotary was pleased to grant funds to many deserving organizations, including: River Bend Foodbank Family Resources Alzheimer's Association Harrison Hilltop Campus Village |
BEGINNING MONDAY SEPT 14, 2020: In-Person Meetings Resumed!!!BEGINNING MONDAY SEPT 14, 2020: In-Person Meetings Resumed!!! New Location: Thunder Bay Grille ~ 6511 N Brady Street, Davenport, IA 52806. Phone: 563.386.2722 Virtual Attendance will remain an option via Zoom ~ link will be emailed to all Members with weekly invite Attendance resumed being taken and logged in ClubRunner as of Mon. Sept. 14th Noon Meeting Note on future Location: Meetings may be moved back to originally planned Steeplegate Inn if/when In-Person attendees consistently rises to confirmed 25 people or more; but we’re at Thunder Bay until further notice Thank you Rotarians, for your continued loyal membership, as well as for your patience, flexibility, & understanding during these challenging times. |
Weekly Noon Meetings via Zoom through AugustPlease note that the Board has decided to NOT hold In-Person Meetings through August. We will be continuing with only the Zoom Virtual Weekly Monday Meetings, as least through August. An email from President Jacqueline Holm with more detail will be coming soon to all. Thank you Rotarians, for your continued loyal membership, as well as for your patience, flexibility, & understanding during these challenging times. |
Weekly Noon Meetings via Zoom through JulyTo our Valued Davenport Rotarians, In accordance with current COVID-19 guidelines and for the health and safety of our Members, Speakers, Guests, and community, Rotary Club of Davenport has not held in-person Monday Meetings since March 9th, 2020. We switched to Virtual Meetings via Zoom April 27th ~ Current Club Members are being emailed Zoom links for the virtual meetings and are encouraged to share with Guests. All Meetings in July will continue to be via ZOOM. We are tentatively planning to return to In-Person Meetings in August ~ any applicable updates, more info on location (no longer meeting at The Outing Club as they're now closed Mondays), etc. to follow closer to late July. On behalf of the Board, thank you for your continued Membership and best wishes to you and your families during this time. |
4.27.2020 Exploratory Virtual Membership Meeting4.27.2020 Exploratory Virtual Membership MeetingCurrent Club Members will be emailed a Zoom link for this meeting |
CANCELLED - MARCH MONDAY MEETINGSFor the health and safety of our Members, Speakers, and Guests, Rotary Club of Davenport's Board has voted to cancel Monday Meetings on 3/16, 3/23, and 3/30/2020. We will be in touch with all at a later date regarding Meetings for April & beyond. Thank you. Carrie Carrie J. Dearborn Executive Secretary Rotary Club of Davenport PO Box 2483 Davenport, IA 52809 Phone: 563-508-5886
Rotary Club of Davenport |
Rotary Valentine's Luncheon![]() Rotary members nd their guests attended the annual Valentine's event at the Outing Club.
Valentine's Luncheon Entertainment![]() Area high schools' award-winning music students entertained the Rotarians and their guests.
Rotary Club Night @ Quad City Storm Hockey Game![]() Rotary Club Night @ Quad City Storm Hockey Game is scheduled for Friday, February 15 2019. Ticket purchase deadline - February 11th.
Rotarians Recognized for 1st & 2nd Quarter Perfect Attendance![]() Rotarians recognized for perfect attendance at the noon meeting of the Rotary Club of Davenport on February 4, 2019.
Thank You to Our Speaker Rene Gellerman |
No Noon Meeting Date |
Rotary Club Valentine's Party![]() The Rotary Club of Davenport annual Valentine's Party is scheduled for Monday, February 11, 2019. Please RSVP for this event through clubrunner.
Rotarians Recognized for 1st & 2nd Quarter Perfect Attendance![]() Rotarians recognized for perfect attendance at the noon meeting of the Rotary Club of Davenport on January 14, 2019.
Thank You to Our Speaker Brett Van Damme |
Junior Rotarians Receive Certificates![]() Junior Rotarians received certificates from President Annette Horvath at the noon meeting of the Rotary Club of Davenport on January 7, 2019.
Thank You to Our Speaker George Ryan![]() Thank you to George Ryan, from Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions, for speaking to Rotary Club!
Be A Santa To A Senior |
Rotarians Enjoy Annual Holiday Party |
Thank You to Our Speaker Paul Rumler![]() Thank you to Paul Rumler, from the QC Chamber of Commerce, for speaking to Rotary Club!
Junior Rotarians Receive Certificates![]() Junior Rotarians received certificates from President Annette Horvath at the noon meeting of the Rotary Club of Davenport on November 19, 2018.
Thank You to Our Speaker Judge Tom Waterman![]() Thank you to Judge Tom Waterman, from the Iowa Supreme Court, for speaking to Rotary Club!
Boys & Girls Club Thanksgiving Dinner |
Birdies for Charity Contributions![]() Thank you Rotarians for making your contributions through Birdies for Charity to help benefit the Scholarship fund!
Thank You Youth Harvest Volunteers! |
Thank You to Our Speaker Denise Bulat![]() Thank you to Denise Bulat, from the Bi-State Regional Commission, for speaking to Rotary Club!
Thank You to Our Speakers Deb Anselm & Matt Christensen![]() Thank you to Deb Anselm and Matt Christensen, from the Quad City Times, for speaking to Rotary Club!
Thank You to Our Speaker Brad Martell |
Miracle Field Groundbreaking Ceremony![]() The Miracle Field Groundbreaking Ceremony was held on Saturday, October 22, 2018, at Prairie Heights Park.
Thank You to Our Speaker Gwen Tombergs![]() Thank you to Gwen Tombergs, from the QC Storm Hockey team, for speaking to Rotary Club!
Junior Rotarians Receive Certificates - Session #2![]() Junior Rotarians received certificates from President Annette Horvath at the noon meeting of the Rotary Club of Davenport on October 15, 2018.
Thank You to Our Speaker Sarah McGlynn![]() Thank you to Sarah McGlynn, from the Davenport Community Food Pantry, for speaking to Rotary Club!
Junior Rotarians Receive Certificates![]() Junior Rotarians received certificates from President Annette Horvath at the noon meeting of the Rotary Club of Davenport on September 24, 2018.
Thank You to Our Speakers Dr. Dennis Marchiori & Barbara Melbourne![]() Thank you to Dr. Dennis Marchiori and Barbara Melbourne, from Palmer College of Chiropractic, for speaking to Rotary Club!
New Member Orientation Held on September 24, 2018 |
Family Fest Raffle Ticket Winner |
District Governor Visit |
Corn Boil was a Blast! |
TBK Bank Sports Complex Tour & Lunch![]() Thank you to the Rotarians that attended the Noon Monday Meeting on August 27, 2018, at the TBK Bank Sports Complex.
Welcome New Rotarian Members! |
Thank You to Our Speaker Rich Whitaker |
Thank You to Our Speaker Sarah Stevens![]() Thank you to Sarah Stevens, Executive Director for Lead(her) QC, for speaking to Rotary Club!
Rotary Members Honored for Contributions Made to The Paul Harris Fellow Program |
Thank You to Our Speaker Chris Knapp![]() Thank you to Chris Knapp, District Foundation Rotary Chair, for speaking to Rotary Club!
Rotary Club Night at the BallparkThank you to all Rotarians, their family members and friends that attended the Rotary Club Night at the Ballpark!
Rotarian Visitor from the Nepal![]() Gopal Raj Pokhrel, Rotarian from RC Kathmandu North, Nepal, visits the Noon Monday Meeting on July 16, 2018, at The Outing Club.
Thank You to Our Speaker Robert Stone |
Thank You John Deere Classic Volunteers!![]() Thank you to all the Rotarians and Non-Rotarians that volunteered to Marshal Hole #2 at the John Deere Classic! |
Rotarian Visitor from the Ukraine![]() Olechka Kosovych, District Rotaract Trainer from Rotary Club Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, visits the Noon Monday Meeting on July 9, 2018, at The Outing Club.
Passing of the Gavel Ceremony |
Thank You to our Speaker Ben Keith |
Thank You for Participating in The Miracle Field of the QC Golf Outing |
Thank You - Rotary Member Tree Planting |
Thank You to our Speaker Mary Mosiman |
Welcome New Rotary Members! |
Rotary Flag Exchange |
Thank You Rotary Volunteers - Tree Planting Event |
Check Presentation - In Memory of Vada & Larry Reed |
Presentation of the 2018-2019 Rotary Flag![]() 2018-2019 Rotary Flag presented to Rotary Club of Davenport Vice President Annette Horvath.
Thank You Speakers! |
Scholarship Award PresentationScholarship Award Presentation held at Rotary Club of Davenport Monday Meeting on May 7, 2018
RYLA Update |
Junior Rotarians Receive CertificatesJunior Rotarians received certificates from President Jim Wegener at the noon meeting of the Rotary Club of Davenport on May 7, 2018.
Rotary Members Honored for Contributions Made to The Paul Harris Fellow Program |
Rotary Members Honored for 50+ Years of Service |
Rotary Club of Davenport Social Event at Analog Arcade |
The Miracle Field of the Quad Cities Golf Outing![]() The Davenport Parks & Recreation Department is sponsoring a Golf Outing with all proceeds to benefit The Miracle Field of the Quad Cities.
Junior Rotarians Receive Certificates![]() Junior Rotarians received certificates from President Jim Wegener at the noon meeting of the Rotary Club of Davenport on April 16, 2018.
Sound the Alarm Check Presentation |
Stephanie Reynolds shares a precious story![]() Stephanie Reynolds shares a recent story in the Dispatch-Argus regarding her six year old son Nicholas. Click the link to read the story: Thanks for sharing Stephanie. |
World Bike Relief![]() Rotary District 6000 is partnering with World Bicycle Relief, an organization providing access to independence and livelihood, through The Power of Bicycles.
Fillmore Elementary School Reading Volunteer Program |
District 6000 Invite![]() |
Bill Ashton-International Service Award for Polio-Free World![]() ![]() One of 10 in the world, Davenport Rotarian honored at conference Davenport Rotarian William D. (Bill) Ashton was honored with one of the most important awards presented by The Rotary Foundation, one of only ten recipients in the world, the International Service Award for a Polio-Free World, in recognition of his significant contributions to the effort to eradicate polio. The award was presented during the Rotary District 6000 annual conference held at the Coralville Marriott last Friday, May 5 by District Governor Chris Knapp of Iowa City. Ashton assembled, arranged all details and led the first district only National Immunization Day (NID) team to India for twelve adults and two high school students to immunize thousands of young children against polio in 2000. The two -week mission included delivering immunizations to underserved remote villages where the team could also learn of other needs that could be addressed by partner Rotary clubs in India. As the first such international service mission, it provided a major stimulus to the awareness and commitment of District 6000 Rotarians to humanitarian service through matching grants. As a result of the needs identified by the team in India, District 6000 became the first district to develop matching grants with partner Rotary District 3060 in India to directly support polio immunization and complementary projects. Over the 10 years following that NID, the Rotary Club of Davenport partnered with 29 different Indian Rotary clubs on grant projects and sponsored 61 humanitarian service projects in total in developing countries on four continents. Through its “PolioPlus” campaign, Rotary International has been a leader in the effort to eradicate polio since 1985 and India was declared polio free in 2014. Only two countries in the world, Afghanistan and Pakistan, still have endemic polio and only five cases of the crippling disease have been identified this calendar year in those countries. The complete eradication of the polio is “this close” which would make it only the second disease following smallpox to be eliminated from the world. Since 1985, two billion children have been protected from polio; preventing 500,000 new cases annually. Five million people who might otherwise have been paralyzed are living normal lives thanks to Rotary International and its partners in the polio eradication effort, the World Health Organization, U.S. Centers for Disease Control, UNICEF and more recently the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. |
Jim Stopulos Celebrates 100 YearsToday, The Rotary Club of Davenport was honored to throw a 100 Year Birthday Celebration for Mr. Jim Stopulos. Jim's official birthday is May 22, 1917. The noon meeting was filled with Jim's family and friends, along with his many Rotarians friends. To celebrate 100 years of life, Larry Minard conducted a fun trivia game testing the knowledge of Rotarians of what happened in 1917. The club learned tons about what was happening in the world, the U.S., and right here in Scott County back in 1917. We are honored to be able to celebrate this amazing milestone with Jim and we wish him all the happiness in the world. Happy Birthday Jim!
Copy of Saying Good Bye-Junior RotariansThe selected group of students from area Davenport High Schools joined The Davenport Rotary Club over the past couple of weeks to be introduced to Rotary and how Rotary is involved in the community as a service organization. We said Good Bye & Good Luck to this wonderful and talented group of Young Rotarians on May 8th at the Noon Meeting. This was our last group of young people for the 2016-17 Rotary Year. Thank you Junior Rotarians for joining us and we hope you enjoyed getting an introduction to Rotary and the service Rotary provides in communities all over the world. Junior Rotarians with President Gary Loss Assumption High School: Olivia Masterson & Alex Terrell Central High School: Kevin Kurth & Meredith Cox Mid-City High School: Christine Bein North High School: Destiny Ellingsworth & Amber Conger West High School: Diana Pham & Anna Arvanitis |
Local Community Service Project-Davenport Clean-UpThis morning volunteers persevered the weather to make a difference in our community by picking up litter and other debris from area roadways and the Central Community Circle Neighborhood. As site coordinators prepared to cancel, approximately 45 volunteers came out and decided to forge ahead despite the conditions. Volunteers were able to remove over 30 bags of litter and other debris, including a sign, from portions of N Brady, Welcome Way and W Kimberly Rd. Their efforts were much appreciated. With rain hampering some of the cleanup efforts, a rain date of April 29th to clean up area roadways has been scheduled. While many volunteers will be returning for the rain date, additional volunteers are still needed and welcome. Sign-up to join us in making our community’s corridors more inviting and preventing litter from making it to our waterways at While volunteers cleared area roadways, a cleanup of another kind was also taking place in Davenport’s Central Community Circle Neighborhood. A little over 40 individuals from the neighborhood group removed another 30+ bags of litter and other debris and 2 cubic yards of illegally dumped material between 4th and 10th Streets between Warren and Marquette. What a great spirit of community shared by all involved today. Volunteers in today’s events are sure to have stories to tell in years to come. Smiles, comradery, fun and laughter were a common thread among volunteers, and at least one volunteer profited by finding a $5 bill. Among those who turned out to volunteer today were volunteers from: the Davenport Rotary Club, the Quad City Lodging Association, Davenport’s West High School, Davenport’s Fire, Police and Public Works Departments, the Central Community Circle Neighborhood Group, Jefferson Elementary, One Eighty, 1st Ward Alderman, Rick Dunn, 8th Ward Alderwoman Kerri Tompkins, and few especially dedicated individuals. Thank you for making a difference in our Community.
See Photos at the following link: |
Paul Harris AwardDennis Hoaglin presented Patt Englander with a Paul Harris Award!
Congrats Patt!
Make A Positive Impact-Volunteer![]() How would you like to make a difference in the life of a child? The Davenport Rotary will, again this year, partner with Davenport Schools for a reading program to help students at Madison Elementary who need our help. Thank you so much to the Rotary members who already participate in this very worthwhile program! We would love to increase our presence at the school and help even more kids!
To Participate Follow the Instructions:
1. Complete Davenport Community Schools volunteer application and attach a copy of your driver’s license.
2. Forms are available from Jessi Lane or the Rotary website:
3. Identify times you are available to help (the teachers are flexible & appreciate any help they can get!)
4. The copy of your driver’s license and application needs to be printed/completed and turned into Davenport Community Schools at 1606 Brady Street, Davenport, IA or you can give it to Jessi Lane at a Rotary Meeting to deliver.
5. You will be notified once your application has been approved….processing normally takes a few weeks. Contact Jessi if you haven’t heard back from anyone.
Special Note: Kim Rollinger is the Reading Specialist at Madison Elementary & will be our primary contact in scheduling times with teachers and students. Kim’s contact information Phone: 563-320-6152 Email: rollingerk@mail.davenport.k12.
Questions/Info/Sign-up: Contact Davenport Rotary Member, Jessi Lane at 563-343-7472 or Email:
Your Impact: Students will have reading assignments & materials – Just bring yourself and be ready to read, listen, & make a positive impact!
Saying Good-Bye to our Junior RotariansWishing the best of luck to another wonderful group of young people. Thank you for participating as a Junior Rotarian.
![]() Junior Rotarians with Davenport Rotary's President Tom Bowman
Assumption-Madeline Fer & Patrick Schwartehoff
Central-Joshua Janes & Emily Hummel
Mid-City-Almendra Marquez
North-Josh Voelkers & Nautica Tatum (not in photo)
West-Jim Heinricks & Tyler Pggenpohl
2016 WingFest![]() BUY TICKETS ON-LINE using the Link Below:
Rock Island Rotary Fund Raiser-"A Little Off Key"“A Little Off Key” – Dueling Pianos Fundraising Event sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Rock Island and the Twin Rivers Rotary After Hours Club. - March 3rd at the River Music Experience in downtown Davenport - Doors Open and Heavy Hors d’oeuvres buffet starts at 6:00 pm - Show starts @7:30 – 2 full hours of piano music - Tickets are $45/each – include the buffet and the show - Cash Bar, although there will be a special drink to commemorate the event at a reduced price - Tickets can be purchased online at (search for A Little Off Key event) - Also call Sue Cassatt at (309) 644-0101 to purchase tickets. - Maximum of 250 tickets sold. The only reserved seating is the VIP tables up front. The rest of the seating is first come first serve in the hall. The number of tickets sold will include standing room, so get there early. See Flyer Below:
![]() |
1st Multi Rotary Event-Service for Success![]() See the attached documents for the 1st Multi Rotary Event
Date: February 25, 2016
Feel free to print and distribute. We will have some printed versions at Monday, January 25th Meeting.
Saying Good-Bye to our Junior RotariansThis coming Monday, February 1st, we will say Good-Bye & Good Luck to a wonderful Group of Junior Rotarians. Thank you for coming to our Rotary Group to learn more about how are group gives back to our community.
![]() Tyraine Bostic-Mid City High
Tyalor Carstens & Kayla Gibson-West High
Gabriel Behrendt & Hannah Hansen-Central High
Alex Belzer & Maggie Warner-North High
Allison Bouffard & Kyle Boldt-Assumption High
Davenport Rotary Volunteer Reading Program![]() The Davenport Rotary has partnered with Davenport Schools for a reading program to help students at Madison Elementary (and possibly some other schools this year) who need our help.
To Participate Follow the Instructions:
1. Complete Davenport Community Schools volunteer application
2. Available online at the DCS website or the Davenport Rotary club runner site
3. Application processing time is approximately 2 weeks
4. The application needs to be printed/completed and turned into Davenport Community Schools @ 1606 Brady Street, Davenport, IA or you can give it to Jim Wegener to deliver.
5. Identify times you are available to help (the teachers are flexible & appreciate any help they can get!
Special Note: Kim Rollinger is the Reading Specialist at Madison Elementary & will be our primary contact in scheduling times with teachers and students. Kim’s contact information Phone: 563-320-6152 Email:
Your Impact: Students will have reading assignments & materials – Just bring yourself and be ready to read, listen, & make a positive impact!
Questions/Info: Contact Jim Wegener 563-508-7412 or Email:
Monday, June 29, 2015 - Gavel Passing CeremonyThe time has come to install the 2015-16 Rotary Club of Davenport Board of Directors and Officers. Join us as we take time to recognize and thank the outgoing board members and welcome in the new Rotary year.
Monday, June 22, 2015 - Joe Taylor, Quad Cities Convention & Visitors BureauHere from one of the Quad Cities busiest promoters. The Rotary Club of Davenport welcomes Joe Taylor from the Quad Cities Convention & Visitors Bureau to its Monday, June 22 meeting.
Monday, June 15, 2015 - Vocational ServiceWe’re going back to the basics of vocational service. Highlighting vocational service in the world of Rotary is a time for Rotarians to focus on their vocation and its importance to their local community and society at large. On Monday, we will spotlight one Rotarian and their vocation while learning more about how vocational service is the very essence of Rotary. It is truly what sets Rotary apart from other service organizations.
Monday, June 8, 2015 - Clair Peterson, John Deere ClassicClair Peterson was named Tournament Director for The John Deere Classic just prior to the 2002 PGA TOUR Event. Clair came to the Tournament from Deere & Company where, during his 27-year tenure, he was one of the original group that helped launch John Deere’s Golf & Turf division in 1986, serving as Manager of Advertising and Promotion for 11 years.
Monday, June 1, 2015 - Sherry Ristau, Community Foundation of Great River BendOn Monday, June 1 we will welcome Sherry Ristau, President & CEO of the Community Foundation of Great River Bend. Sherry will speak about her personal journey will also sharing information about the Community Foundation and its impact on the regional community while also giving us a glimpse into the future.
Monday, May 25, 2015 - NO ROTARY, Memorial DayRotary will not be held on Monday, May 25 in observance of Memorial Day. Meetings will resume on Monday, June 1 with speaker and Rotarian, Sherry Ristau, President & CEO of the Community Foundation of Great River Bend.
Monday, May 18, 2015 - Creative Arts AcademyIn the Fall of 2014, Davenport Community Schools opened the Creative Arts Academy of the Quad Cities, housed in community arts facilities throughout downtown Davenport and supported by arts partners from across the Quad Cities. The Creative Arts Academy offers experiences in five disciplines based on participants interests, including Communications and Media Arts, Dance, Music, Theatre and the Visual Arts. In its first year, the Creative Arts Academy served three audiences: 1) a first cohort of 6th graders; 2) Dream students (high school juniors and seniors aspiring to careers in the arts) and 3) the general community. Incoming 6th grade students and Dream students will be required to audition into the program, but community offerings and workshops will be open to all. In preparing for its second year, the Creative Arts Academy will expand to offering both 6th and 7th grade instruction, while continuing to offer the Dream program for high school juniors and seniors. The CAA will also continue to offer new and varied offerings and workshops for the surrounding community.
Monday, May 11, 2015 - Comprehensive Community Fire Department![]() |
2015 Scholarship RecipientsOn Monday, April 27th the Club held its annual scholarship presentation, awarding $58,500 in scholarships to six incredible high school seniors. The scholarship committee reviewed 54 applications and the following six were chosen to receive scholarships. Congratulations to the 2015 Rotary Club of Davenport Scholarship Recipients (From L to R):
Guadalupe Chavez ($10,000 Recipient, Davenport West); Letha Wallace ($10,000 Recipient, Davenport Central); Bennett Robertson ($10,000 Recipient, Davenport North); Joyclyn Behren ($2,500 Recipient, Mid City High); Riley Behan ($10,000 Recipient, Davenport Assumption);
Carina Grady ($16,000 Overall Recipient, Davenport West) |
Monday, May 4, 2015 - USS The Sullivans![]() |
Monday, April 27, 2015 - Scholarship Awards PresentationOn Monday, the Club will award $58,500 in scholarships to six incredible high school seniors. The committee reviewed more then 50 applications this year and worked hard to find the most deserving students from each of the five high schools. Join us on Monday to meet the recipients.
In Memory of Rotarian Dr. F. Ross McFadden![]() Dr. McFadden passed away peacefully Sunday, April 12, 2015 at the Clarissa C. Cook Hospice House, Bettendorf following a brief illness.
His full obituary can be viewed at
Monday, April 20, 2015 - Major General Kevin O'ConnellMajor General Kevin O’Connell became the Commanding General, Army Sustainment Command and Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois on August 21, 2014. O’Connell is a native of Clinton, Maryland and a graduate of High Point College, North Carolina. He was commissioned through Army ROTC in 1982.
His Command assignments include the 289th General Supply Company, Fort Hood, Texas; 11th Armored Cavalry Regimental Support Squadron, National Training Center, Fort Irwin, California; 1st Infantry Division Support Command, Kitzingen, Germany; 1st Sustainment Brigade, Fort Riley, Kansas and Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, Taji, Iraq; and Joint Munitions Command, Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois.
Monday, April 13, 2015 - Col. Joe Tirone (Ret.), Jason's Box & Patriot PlaceJason's Box is committed to improving the health and well-being of our military men and women. Jason’s Box was founded in honor of CPL Jason G. Pautsch, KIA 10 April 2009, Iraq. Among Teri’s most cherished possessions is a beautiful walnut chest filled with items from Jason’s military service. She simply calls it Jason’s Box. It was a gift given to her by an Army Lieutenant Colonel with a heart for God and for soldiers. The story behind Jason’s Box has inspired Teri to keep giving and to send special gifts from home to our troops deployed around the world. Col. Joe Tirone (Ret.) will join us on Monday to talk more about Jason’s Box and Patriot Place Veteran’s Resource Center and what they are doing to help QC area military personnel as well as help veterans as they transition from the service to civilian life.
Michael Angelo Caruso - Monday, April 20, 2015, 4:30 PM![]() |
Monday, April 6, 2015 - Mayor Bill GlubaMayor Bill Gluba will deliver his eighth “State of the City” address at the Davenport Rotary Club at noon on Monday, April 6. The mayor said he is excited to share his message with our Rotary members. He will highlight the City’s strong growth, balanced budget, record spending on streets and the positive business climate that he has helped create through his relationship building with businesses of all kinds.
Monday, March 30, 2015 - Dr. Jake Klipsch, Mid City High SchoolMid City High School is the new alternative high school in the Davenport Community School District. It opened in August of 2014. What is different about Mid City High School? What makes it “alternative”?
Dr. Jake Klipsch, Principal of Mid City, will present information on the history of alternative education in Davenport, exciting things that are happening at the school right now, and the vision for the school in the coming years. Dr. Klipsch is a graduate of Davenport West High School and taught elementary school on the south side of Chicago as a member of Teach For America. Before beginning at Mid City High School, Dr. Klipsch has worked at JB Young Intermediate, Hayes Elementary, and Eisenhower Elementary. He is excited to share his passion for alternative education and the students at Mid City. |
Monday, March 23, 2015 - Missy Sweeney, Girls Scouts of Eastern and Western IllinoisMissy Sweeney will join us on Monday to present an overview on the Girl Scouts of Eastern and Western Illinois including their current membership, cookie sales, program center, outreach and the new liberty camp.
Miss Sweeney is the Sr. Membership Outreach Manager for the Girl scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois. She has been with the Girl scouts for four years and doing non-profit work for over 18 years. Missy is involved in several groups in the community as well as volunteers at her local church.
Monday, March 16, 2015 - Bill Brewer, Western Illinois UniversityBill Brewer is Western Illinois University's architect and director of facilities - Quad Cities. Prior to relocating to the Quad Cities to manage the construction of the new riverfront campus, he served as the assistant director of the physical plant for facilities planning and construction on the Macomb campus. Bill is a registered architect in the State of Illinois and a LEED AP with more than 24 years experience in designing, constructing and operating higher education facilities.
Monday, March 9, 2015 - Sally Mason, University of Iowa President![]() Currently, President Mason is overseeing a historic era of campus transformation, including rebuilding in the wake of the historic 2008 flooding, especially the renewal of an arts campus for the 21st century; the construction of a state-of-the-art children’s hospital and biomedical discovery research center; and the first new residence hall since 1968. At Iowa, President Mason has also spearheaded a sustainable university initiative, making sustainability a central priority of all aspects of the university enterprise. Under President Mason’s leadership, the UI has successfully met current economic challenges through careful planning, strategic prioritization, and increased efficiency.
Monday, March 2, 2015 - Doug Rick, I-74 Bridge Project![]() |
Monday, February 23, 2015 - Vocational Service MeetingWe have reached the end of “Field Trip February.” We will finish the month with our quarterly evening meeting at Front Street Brewery’s Freight House Location. Join us from 4:30—6:00 PM for a fun, light-hearted meeting. Please RSVP to if you plan to attend. Appetizers will be served and a cash bar available. Guests are $13. This is a great opportunity to network and fellowship with your fellow Rotarians.
Monday, February 16, 2015 - NO ROTARYRotary will not meet on Monday, February 16. Join us on Monday, February 23 for an evening meeting at Front Street Brewery's Freight House location. Networking begins at 4:30 PM.
Monday, February 9, 2015 - Valentine's LunchIt’s time for the club’s annual Valentine’s lunch at the Rogalski Center. Each of the high school’s have lined up entertainment for the lunch and Eloise has collected several donations for the raffle. Tickets will be 1-$5 or 3-$10 so bring a little extra for the raffle. A buffet lunch will be catered by Sodexo.
The parking officers have been instructed to relax ticketing from 11:00 - 1:30 during the event. Disability parking spaces are available near the Rogalski Center. Additional parking can be found on the corner of Gaines and Lombard Street.
Monday, February 2, 2015 - Kim Findlay, The Putnam MuseumThe Outing Club is closed for the month of February so the Davenport Rotary is headed on the road with the Putnam Museum as our first destination.
“I had no idea!” This is the statement we hear often from visitors to The Putnam these days.
Beginning as the Davenport Academy of Science in 1867 and becoming the Putnam Museum of History and Natural Science when it opened on Museum Hill in 1963, it is now the Putnam Museum & Science Center.
Monday, January 26, 2015 - Dimy Doresca, International Inst. of International BusinessDavenport Rotary will host Dimy Doresca, Director of the International Institute for International Business at the University of Iowa, Tippie College of Business, on Monday, January 26.
Dimy Doresca is a Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) and an International Business Specialist and Consultant. He is also Lecturer in International Business, a Global Learning Faculty Lead, and the Director of the Institute for International Business, Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa. |
Monday, January 19, 2015 - NO RotaryRotary will not meet on Monday, January 19. Join us on Monday, January 26 for guest speaker, Dimy Doresca with the University of Iowa Institute for International Business.
In Remembrance - Judge Jack Broderick, Rotarian and Past-President (1989-90)
Visitation will be Monday, January 12 from 3-6 p.m. at Weerts Funeral Home, with a vigil service beginning at 2:30 p.m. Funeral service will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan.13 at St. John Vianney Catholic Church, 4097 18th St., Bettendorf. Jack's full obituary can be viewed at |
Monday, January 12, 2015 - Don Doucette, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges![]() Rotarian and EICC Chancellor, Don Doucette, will provide an update on the Eastern Iowa Community Colleges, including an update on the development of a full- service urban campus in Downtown Davenport to be located within several downtown Davenport buildings. The new full-service urban campus will allow Scott Community College to more than double its capacity downtown to 1,500-plus students. In addition, EICC’s Continuing Education programs, currently serving more than 30,000 students annually, will be integrated into the new campus.
Monday, January 5, 2015 - Club AssemblyHappy New Year Rotarians….Rotary is back in session! Join us on Monday, January 5 as we kick off 2015 with our club assembly, a time for the membership to weigh on what is being done right, what could be done better and even what needs to change. Topics on the survey include membership recruitment and retention, membership satisfaction, club social activities and foundation giving. This is a great opportunity to make sure your opinion is heard. It’s also a great time to sign up and serve on a committee in 2015. Don’t miss it!
NO ROTARY - Monday, December 22 and 29, 2014Rotary will not meet on Monday, December 22 or December 29 in observance of the holidays. Join us on Monday, January 5 as we kick off 2015 with our annual club assembly session. Have a safe holiday and a very Happy New Year!
Regina Haddock, Dress for Success QC - Monday, December 8, 2014Regina Haddock is the Executive Director of Dress for Success Quad Cities. Join us on Monday to hear more about Dress for Success and their mission to promote the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support, and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. Regina is a social entrepreneur and longtime community advocate interested in creating social capital and improving civic engagement. She has extensive experience in Education, Health & Human Services, PR/Marketing, and Program Development. She holds a master’s degree in Education with an emphasis on educating in a culturally diverse and pluralistic society. During the 20+ years Regina had school-age children, she served in a variety of volunteer roles related to school improvement and parental involvement, including PTA, the Local School Improvement Advisory Committee and the Davenport Schools Foundation.
Monday, November 17, 2014 - Jane Schmidt, Iowa Teacher of the Year![]() Jane Schmidt, Iowa Teacher of the Year will present “Iowa Core—The Game Changer,” at Rotary on Monday, November 17.
Monday, November 10, 2014 - NO ROTARYRotary will not be held on Monday, November 10 in observance of Veteran’s Day. We will return on Monday, November 17 with guest speaker and 2014 Iowa Teacher of the Year, Jane Schmidt. Jane is a longtime teacher known for her leadership, her ability to connect with students, and her commitment to improvement. She is a 33-year teaching veteran from Delmar and is currently an eighth-grade literacy and language arts teacher at Maquoketa Middle School in the Maquoketa Community School District.
Monday, November 3, 2014 - 6th Annual Chili Cook Off![]() It’s time for the 6th Annual Chili Cook-Off. It will be held from 6—9 PM at River Music Experience. We have a variety of chili cooks lined up to share their cooking talents with the club. There are also a number of other Rotarians who will be providing baked goods for the event. PLEASE RSVP so food can be planned accordingly. Plan on bringing your spouse/significant other, kids and friends for an evening of food, FUN and entertainment! RSVP to Johanna at
Monday, October 27, 2014 - Tim Schiffer, Figge Art MuseumRotarian and Figge Art Museum Executive Director, Tim Schiffer, will be the guest speaker at the Monday, October 27 membership meeting. Tim will be presenting on the exhibition “Self-Taught Genius: Treasures from the American Folk Art Museum,” which will open at the Figge on November 15 on its first stop outside New York City on a national tour. The works in the exhibition range from paintings to quilts to woodcarvings, furniture and weathervanes that were made from the 18th century to the 21st. The exhibit explores the idea of the “self-taught” as a uniquely American trait. Tim Schiffer is the Executive Director of the Figge Art Museum. Prior to coming to the Quad Cities in 2012, he was Executive Director of the Museum of Ventura County in Southern California. He holds |
Monday, October 20, 2014 - University of Iowa Provost, Dr. Barry Butler![]() P. Barry Butler was appointed provost of The University of Iowa in May of 2011, after serving as interim provost since October 2010. Prior to his appointment, Butler was dean of the UI College of Engineering, where he holds the rank of full professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in aeronautical and astronautical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1979 and 1981, respectively. He received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering in 1984, also from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He joined the University of Iowa faculty in 1984. Butler has worked as a visiting research fellow for the U.S. Navy and Sandia National Laboratories and as a visiting faculty member at Université de Provence in Marseille, France. He is active in a number of aerospace-related instructional and research activities at UI. He currently serves on the boards of several state and national technology-based organizations committed to economic growth and the advancement of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, including the American Wind Energy Association, for which he also serves as research committee co-chair. He serves as the Governor's delegate to the Aerospace States Association. Butler is an active participant in Iowa’s STEM Initiative, and has been a strong advocate for working with industry, community colleges, and Iowa’s K-12 educators to promote STEM education. Biography from the University of Iowa at
Monday, October 13, 2014 - NO RotaryRotary will not be held on Monday, October 13 in observance of Columbus Day. We return on Monday, October 20 with guest speaker, Barry Butler, University of IA Provost.
Monday, October 6, 2014 - Charitable Grant PresentationOn Monday, The Rotary Club of Davenport Charitable Giving Committee in partnership with the Davenport Rotary Board of Directors will award over $16,000 to fund projects and support organizations in the community and abroad that provide basic human services, serve youth, and meet community needs. Proceeds generated from the 2nd Annual Rotary Club of Davenport WingFest presented by M.A. Ford this past June, funded the awards.
Monday, September 29, 2014 - Candidate Dr. Mariannette Miller - MeeksDr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks is an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) who most recently served for three years as the Director of the Iowa Department of Public Health. During her tenure, she showed passion for improving the healthcare and quality of life for Iowans. Dr. Miller-Meeks learned that a lot can be accomplished by putting partisanship aside for the greater good of the people of Iowa. Mariannette enlisted in the United States Army at age 18 and retired honorably from the reserves as a Lt. Colonel. During those 24 years, active duty and reserve, she served as a private, nurse, and physician. She and her husband, Curt, live in Ottumwa. They have two grown children, Jonathon and Taylor. For more information about Dr. Mariannette Miller—Meeks, visit Miller-Meeks for Congress. Statement from Miller Meeks for Congress at
Monday, September 15, 2014 - Chris McCormick Pries, Vera FrenchFor almost 40 years, Chris McCormick Pries has worked at Vera French Community Mental Health Center and is currently a Board Certified Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner and the Clinical Director. Chris is also a major provider of community services for individuals, educators, counselors, and care givers in the Quad Cities. She is involved with Jason’s Box, the Mental Health Legal Task Force, Eating Disorders Consortium, the Safety Net in Peril Committee, a trainer for the Davenport and Bettendorf police and a public speaker bringing awareness to eradicate the stigma of mental illness. Chris has dedicated her life to providing quality, accessible and comprehensive care to those suffering from mental illness and has worked compassionately to make their lives more complete. In January, she was honored by the Vera French Community Mental Health Center with the Courage and Compassion in the Advocacy of Mental Health Award for her efforts and contributions to improving conditions for people with mental illness. Join us on Monday to learn more about Vera French Community Mental Health Center and their work to enhance the mental health of all in our community by providing quality, accessible and comprehensive care.
Monday, September 8, 2014 - Ben Loeb, Quad City Symphony OrchestraThe Quad City Symphony Orchestra is turning 100! Rotarian and Quad City Symphony Orchestra Executive Director, Ben Loeb, will be our guest speaker on Monday, September 8. He will be sharing more on the 100 year history of the organization as well as what they have planned for the upcoming season. Ben is an accomplished pianist and has performed in venues throughout the world. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from Harvard University, a Master of Music degree in Accompanying from the Curtis Institute of Music, a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Accompanying from The Julliard School, and a Graduate Performance Diploma in Conducting from the Peabody Conservatory. In addition to the Greater Bridgeport (CT) Symphony Orchestra, Loeb was also the founder, executive director, and music director of the El Paso Symphony Youth Orchestras. Ben has extensive teaching experience; he was one of the first piano faculty members of the El Paso Conservatory of Music and is the founder, administrator, and member of the conducting faculty of the International Conducting Workshop and Festival, which has presented master classes around the world for over 11 years.
Monday, September 1, 2014 - No RotaryRotary will not be held on Monday, September 1 in observance of Labor Day. We will return with Rotarian and Quad City Symphony Orchestra Executive Director, Ben Loeb, on Monday, September 8. |
Monday, August 25, 2015 - Jack Hatch, Iowa Governor Candidate
Presently, Jack is chair of the Senate Health & Human Services Budget Subcommittee. He also serves on the Economic Growth, Human Resources, State Government, Labor & Business Relations, and Appropriations committees.
Monday, August 18, 2014 - District Governor John Ockenfels
Monday, August 11, 2014 - Rusty Boruff, The 180 ZoneRusty Boruff is the Founder and Executive Director of 180 Zone. 180 Zone Inc. is a faith based, non-profit ministry. It houses men, women, families, children, and youth while they are discipled in the local church. They have a 25 bed facility, Norma's Place, a men’s residential facility, and three outreach facilities around the Quad Cities Area. Many of those they reach are homeless, addicted, or poverty stricken. The 180 Zone also has a faith-based program to help men and women overcome challenges in their life, no matter what the struggle. They provide many different facets of outreach such as helping move the elderly or less fortunate, furnish apartments and homes, provide counseling, tutoring, after school feedings, a food pantry, feed and clothe the homeless and needy, visit the nursing homes, and much more.
Monday, August 4, 2014 - Corn BoilYour RSVP is requested for the annual Corn Boil on Monday, August 4 at Duck Creek Park Pavilion #2. The Corn Boil will replace the regular membership meeting. We WILL NOT meet at noon on the 4th. To ensure we have enough food and beverages for all, PLEASE RSVP to with your total guest count. Guests are $13 and kids are FREE. Food service begins at 6:00 PM. Please join us for an enjoyable evening of great food, family and friends. Let’s have another record crowd.
Monday, July 28, 2014 - Mississippi Valley Fair
To avoid delays ROTARIANS NEED TO ENTER THE FAIR THRU THE GATE OFF LOCUST STREET RIGHT ACROSS FROM McDONALDS. Riefe's will cater lunch. 2014 will mark the 95th year for the Fair. Far from its humble beginnings in the early 1900's it has grown from a small county fair into a grand regional event, attracting more than 300,000 people during fair week and over 600,000 people annually making it one of the largest fairs in Iowa. The impressive grandstand line up for 2014 includes Eli Young Band, Lady Antebellum, Craig Morgan, Cheap Trick, Alan Jackson, and Jerrod Niemman.
Bill Ratzburg - QC Manufacturing HubBill Ratzburg currently serves as the Director of Economic and Community Development at Deere & Company. He has served in this position since his appointment in 2008. Ratzburg has worked for Deere since 1996, mostly in business development efforts for the company. He also has experience as a chief financial officer and vice president at other companies and he holds an MBA and a BA in mathematics from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. He has been a Quad City resident for over 40 years.
Monday, July 14, 2014 - Dee Breummer, Scott County AdministratorScott County Administrator, Dee Bruemmer, will present her annual “State of the County” to the membership on Monday. She will cover the current programs at the County and the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Ms. Breummer will also highlight a few of the services available and give an update on the impact of new laws being discussed.
Monday, July 7, 2014 - NO ROTARYRotary will not meet on Monday, July 7 in observance of the 4th of July. We will return on Monday, July 14 with guest speaker, Scott County Administrator, Dee Breummer. |
Monday, June 30, 2014 - Installation of 2014-15 Club Officers and DirectorsIt’s time to pass the gavel to the 2014-15 Rotary Club of Davenport Board of Directors and Officers. Join us as we take time to recognize and thank the outgoing board members and committee chairs as well as install the 2014-2015 Rotary Club of Davenport Board and Officers.
Monday, June 23, 2014 - Vocational ServiceIt's time for another vocational service round up. Highlighting vocational service in the world of Rotary is a time for Rotarians to focus on their vocation and its importance to their local community and society at large. On Monday, we will focus on vocational service, spotlighting two Rotarians and their vocations. |
Saturday, June 21, 2014 - 2nd Annual Rotary WingFest Presented By MA Ford
Monday, June 16, 2014 - Rotary Pavilion Dedication
Monday, June 9, 2014 - Gary Welch, RYLAGary Welch, Chair of the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy and Past District Governor, will be the guest speaker on Monday, June 9. He will give us an update on what Iowa Rotarians in Districts 6000 and 5970 are doing to develop leadership among the youth. Join us to learn more about RYLA and Rotary’s 6-day leadership conference for high school sophomores and juniors from throughout Iowa. The Rotary Club of Davenport will be sponsoring two students, one from North and one from West, at the 2014 conference taking place July 13-18 at Grinnell College |
Monday, June 2, 2014 - Doug Cropper, Affordable Care Act
Doug Cropper is the current President and CEO of Genesis Health Systems and is responsible for the operational and strategic plans for the health system and its entities. Cropper grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah, where his father was a dentist and volunteered at the local children's hospital. It made enough of an impression on him that he decided to pursue his own career in health care. His first job was an operating room orderly. Now, with more than 28 years of health care experience, he has fulfilled a life-long career goal to lead a health system. With a focus on safety and quality, Cropper is working to guide Genesis to national recognition for its patient care. Prior to joining Genesis in 2008, he served as an executive vice president with Inova Health System, based in Falls Church, VA, and campus administrator of the 900-bed Inova Fairfax Hospital. Between 1991 and 2003, Cropper held various leadership positions with HealthEast, based in St. Paul, MN. His last assignment with HealthEast was CEO of St. Joseph's Hospital and health system vice president. He is a 1984 graduate of the University of Utah and holds a Master's degree in Health Care and Hospital Administration from the University of Minnesota. Cropper and his wife, Lynne, have four children. |
Monday, May 26, 2014 - NO ROTARYRotary will not meet on Monday, May 26 in observance of Memorial Day. We will reconvene on Monday, June 2. |
Monday, May 19, 2014 - Tim Wilkinson, Greater Davenport Redevelopment CorporationTim Wilkinson will speak to the membership on Monday about the Greater Davenport Redevelopment Corporation (GDRC), and their task of managing the city’s industrial park, known as the Eastern Iowa Industrial Center (EIIC). Tim Wilkinson is the CEO of Corporate Community Consulting LLC. He retired from Alcoa in August 2009 after 34 years where he was Vice President of the North American Public Strategy Group from 2002 to 2009 responsible for 26 operations in a 6 state Midwest region. From 1983 to 2002, he served as Communications Vice President of Alcoa’s aluminum sheet and plate rolling business unit that had operations in 5 states, employing 5500 people and sales of $1 billion. In the Iowa-Illinois Quad City region, he provided volunteer leadership as board chair or board member to over 40 local non-profits. He served on the Board and Executive Committee of the Iowa Taxpayers Association for 25 years. He also served on the Executive Committee and board of The Iowa Association of Business and Industry for 25 years. Currently, he serves on the University of Iowa’s College of Engineering Advisory Board and Bettendorf’s Human Rights Commission. |
Monday, May 12, 2014 - Kathy Middleton "Protecting Your Identity"Identity theft is taking the country by storm. Many feel a sense of security knowing that if they review their credit card and bank statements regularly they are pretty well protected. That is what people whose numbers were stolen in the Target debacle found. However, ID theft goes much deeper than credit/debit card numbers. Learn more about the five types of identity theft, and in so doing, learn which is the largest form; and believe it or not, it is not financial. Kathy Middleton will be sharing information about Identity Theft and what you can do to protect yourself, your employees and your clients. She is a Regional Manager with LegalShield, specializing in the Small Business and Employee Benefits Divisions. A long-time resident of Davenport, Kathy holds BA and MS degrees in Education. She has combined the skills she gained as an educator plus her understanding of the needs and challenges of small business owners and is now helping her members protect themselves and their businesses. |
Monday, May 5, 2014 - Davenport West High School Robotics Team
Davenport West High School’s Falcon Fever is the 2014 Iowa State winner of the Real World Design Challenge. Teams from Clinton, Central Lee, Marshalltown and Davenport West competed in this year’s challenge. The team from West High School will now represent Iowa in the national challenge which will be held in Washington D.C. in November. This is the third state title for Davenport West High School. Team members include: Pardeep Saini (Senior), Derek Geiken (Senior), Nicole Kraft (Senior), Tuyen Nguyen (Junior) and Carina Grady (Junior). Join us on Monday to meet a few of the team members and hear more about their project.
The Real World Design Challenge (RWDC) is an annual competition that provides high school students, grades 9-12, the opportunity to work on real world engineering challenges in a team environment. Each year, student teams are asked to address a challenge that confronts our nation's leading industries. Students utilize professional engineering software to develop their solutions and also generate presentations that convincingly demonstrate the value of their solutions. The RWDC provides students with opportunities to apply the lessons of the classroom to the technical problems that are being faced in the workplace. This 2014 challenge was to increase corn crop yield by detecting the European Corn Borer through the use of a UAV. |
2014 Rotary Scholarship Recipients
On Monday, the Club awarded $56,000 in scholarships to five incredible high school seniors. The committee reviewed more then 30 applications this year and worked hard to find the most deserving students from each of the four high schools.
Pictured from L to R: Austin Barton (Davenport West - $10,000 Winner); Aaron Reynolds (Davenport North - $10,000 Winner); Adam Kall (Davenport Central - $16,000 Overall Winner); Andrew Quested (Davenport Assumption - $10,000 Winner) and Madison Walker (Davenport West - $10,000 Winner)
Congratulations to the 2014 scholarship recipients!
Monday, April 21, 2014 - Brigadier General Kristin K. French![]() (Information taken from Joint Munitions & Lethality (JM&L) LCMC website.) Brigadier General Kristin K. French is a native of Glen Rock, NJ. She graduated from the United States Military Academy, West Point, in 1986 and was commissioned into the Regular Army as a Lieutenant in the Quartermaster Corps. In 2011, she assumed command of the 3rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) at Fort Knox, KY, and in April 2012 deployed the unit to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. She relinquished command in June 2013 to move to Rock Island Arsenal, IL, as Commanding General, Joint Munitions and Lethality Life Cycle Management Command and Joint Munitions Command. Her command assignments include Alpha Company, 703rd Main Support Battalion, 3rd Inf Div (Mech), Kitzingen, Germany; Regimental Support Squadron, 3rd ACR, Fort Carson, CO; 406th Army Field Support Brigade, Fort Bragg, NC and 3d Sustainment Cmd (Exp), Fort Knox, KY.
Monday, April 14, 2014 - Don Wooten, Gensius Guild
Don Wooten came to the Quad Cities as a St. Ambrose seminarian in 1946. He remained to make a career in radio and television, starting in 1949.You may remember him as a weatherman on channels 4 and 8, or for his public affairs programs, "Spectrum" and "At Issue." He served eight years as an Illinois State Senator, before turning Augustana College's 10-watt student station, WVIK, into a major NPR affiliate in 1980. In 1986, he
began a Sunday newspaper column for the Argus & Dispatch. Along the way, he took up some part-time duties, teaching at Alleman, writing music reviews, and, in 1956, founding the Genesius Guild, the subject for the Monday, April 14th meeting.
Monday, April 7, 2014 - Dave Heller, Quad City River Bandits![]()
Let’s Play Ball! Quad Cities River Bandits Baseball is back. Come meet Dave Heller, Managing Partner of the Quad Cities River Bandits of the Midwest League, Single-A affiliate of the Houston Astros. Under the leadership of Heller and his partner Bob Herrfeldt, the River Bandits have sparked a
stunning resurgence of baseball in the Quad Cities, winning two league championships in the past three seasons, setting new attendance records and capturing numerous awards for their innovative promotions. Under Heller’s leadership, the River Bandits have added many fun new features to the ballpark, including a new outfield bar, a new picnic area, five concourse-level “loge boxes,” an 80-foot long high-definition ribbon-board, a huge new 20’ x 36’ tall HD videoboard, a new playground, birthday room, additional office and storage space, a new concessions stand and more than a dozen new portable food carts, a Hall of Fame autographed jersey display, an unmatched collection of bobbleheads from across the country and a (sponsored) corn field from which the players are introduced at the game’s outset (after all, it is Iowa)! Come learn what the River Bandits have in store for the 2014 Season!
Farewell to our Sixth Round of Jr. Rotarians
We bid farewell to our sixth round of Jr. Rotarians. Best of luck as you finish your senior year. Pictured from L to R: Kennedy King and Alexis Flynn (Assumption), Ellen Nelson and AJ Petersen (West), Jasmine Maddox and Kristina Seier (Central), Allison Berens and Alissa Calsyn (North)
Monday, March 31, 2014 - Congressman Dave Loebsack![]()
Congressman Dave Loebsack will be our guest at the Monday, March 31 membership meeting. Congressman Loebsack will be speaking on his life prior to Congress and his legislative priorities. He will also give a quick overview on the committees he serves on and the work that he’s been doing this Congress. He will be opening the floor for questions.
Monday, March 24, 2014 - Membership Survey & Rotary Youth Exchange
Two informative programs have been lined up for the Monday, March 24 meeting. First order of business will be the annual membership satisfaction survey. Don’t miss the opportunity to provide input on current club activities, programs, meeting content, dues structure, etc. Suggestions and comments are always appreciated and the annual membership satisfaction survey is the easiest way for your voice to be heard. Below is a summary from the 2013 Membership Satisfaction Survey. Second, we will learn more about the Rotary International Youth Exchange program. The Club will hear first hand from a youth exchange student and their host family.
Monday, March 10, 2014 - Ben Loeb, Quad City Symphony OrchestraBen Loeb, Executive Director of Quad City Symphony Orchestra, will giving an update on the Symphony and his vision for its future. Ben is an accomplished pianist and has performed in venues throughout the world. Loeb holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from Harvard University, a Master of Music degree in Accompanying from the Curtis Institute of Music, a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Accompanying from The Julliard School, and a Graduate Performance Diploma in Conducting from the Peabody Conservatory. In addition to the Greater Bridgeport (CT) Symphony Orchestra, Loeb was also the founder, executive director, and music director of the El Paso Symphony Youth Orchestras. Ben has extensive teaching experience; he was one of the first piano faculty members of the El Paso Conservatory of Music and is the founder, administrator, and member of the conducting faculty of the International Conducting Workshop and Festival, which has presented master classes around the world for over 11 years. |
Monday, March 17, 2014 - Mayor Bill Gluba![]()
Join us on Monday for Mayor Bill Gluba and his “State of the City.” He will provide his yearly update on the condition of the city.
Mayor Bill Glub Bio (Biography taken from Mayor's Office, City of Davenport website.)
Farewell Jr. RotariansWe bid farewell to our 5th round of Jr. Rotarians. We wish you continued success as you finish your senior year. Pictured from L to R: Roy Schindler and Claire Honsey, Davenport Central; Parker Ewen and Rose Ripslinger, Assumption and Samuel Sierra and Kambridge Hayes, Davenport North. Not pictured are Chi Dong and Dawn Vickers, Davenport West.
Monday, March 3, 2014 - Brian Wright, Making the Most of Charitable GivingEvery charity you support will gladly accept a check or cash, but there are other tools you can use to better support your favorite non-profits and provide additional benefits to you. This presentation will introduce you to some planned charitable giving options and the benefits of these tools. We will also share some illustrations of how these techniques can work for specific assets and some typical situations. Brian Wright serves as Vice President & Trust Officer for American Bank & Trust. He is responsible for assisting clients with the planning and administration of investment agencies, philanthropic gifts, personal trusts, estates, conservatorships and guardianships. Brian has 29 years of experience in financial, charitable and estate planning. He formerly served as Director of Planned Giving for Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa and as Director of Planned and Major Gifts at Des Moines University. Brian currently serves on the Board of the Humane Society of Scott County and is President of the Illowa Partnership for Philanthropic Planning. He is a two time graduate of the University of Iowa with an undergraduate B.A. and a J.D. from the College of Law.
Monday, February 24, 2014 - Quarterly Evening Meeting
Rotary is heading to Rivals Sports Bar & Grill for our quarterly evening meeting. Rivals was the winner of the 2013 "Rotary WingFest Best Wings." Meeting begins at 4:30 PM. Appetizers will be provided.
Monday, February 17, 2014 - No Rotary
Rotary will not be held on Monday, February 17 in observance of President’s Day.
Monday, February 10, 2014 - Valentine's Luncheon
It’s time for the Rotary Club of Davenport’s annual Valentine’s Day lunch at St. Ambrose University’s Rogalski Center. The social committee has received 20 bottles of wine for the raffle. Raffle tickets will be 1-$5 or 3-$10 so bring extra for the raffle. Entertainment will also be provided by the high schools and we will once again enjoy Catering. Guests are $12 per person.
Monday, February 3, 2014 - Family Resources
It’s field trip month for the Rotary Club of Davenport. First stop is Family Resources located at 2800 Eastern Avenue in Davenport. We will be meeting in the gymnasium on the south end of campus off Eastern Ave. Parking is available in the lot behind the gym and in the lower parking lot.
A Family Resources representative will be introducing the Club to their SafePath Survivor Resources which are a comprehensive domestic violence, comprehensive sexual assault and sheltering/housing services offered through Family Resources. They are excited to be updating the Club on their expansion of these service; allowing them to serve more victims of violent crimes so that they can find the path to feeling like survivors and rebuilding their lives. |
In Remembrance - Don Challed, Rotarian and Past-President (1981-82)
Funeral services will be held at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Davenport at 10:30 am on Tuesday, January 28th. Visitation will be on Monday, January 27 from 4-7 pm at Halligan McCabe DeVries.
ROTARY CANCELLED - Monday, January 27, 2014Due to the extremely cold weather forecasted for Monday, January 27, the Rotary membership meeting has been cancelled. Membership meetings will resume on Monday, February 5 when we meet at Family Resources. |
Monday, January 20, 2014 - NO ROTARYRotary will not meet on Monday,January 20, 2014 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Membership meetings will resume on Monday,January 27 with the Club Assembly. |
Honorary Members Inducted
President Gary Loss formally recognized and inducted four former Davenport Rotarians as Honorary Members of the Rotary Club of Davenport at the Monday, January 13, 2014 membership meeting. Congratulations to Dan Foley, Sister Ludmilla Benda, Dr. Ed Rogalski and Paul Eckert. We hope you'll come back and visit often!
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Monday, January 13, 2014 - KennethWayne Thompson
Join us on Monday, January 13 as we reconvene from a long three week break. Our guest speaker will be Rotarian and Davenport Public Libraries Director, KennethWayne Thompson. Thompson joined the Davenport Public Libraries from Ellenwood, GA, where he served as a branch manager in the Atlanta Fulton Public Library System. He replaced LaWanda Roudebush who led the Davenport Public Library system from 2003 until her retirement in December 2012.
Farewell Jr. Rotarians
Farewell Jr. Rotarians. We wish you continued success as you finish your senior year.
Pictured from L to R: Nicole Kraft, Davenport West; Troy Gipple, Davenport West; Samantha Dillon, Davenport Central; Elise Castro, Davenport Central; Julie Pham, Assumption; Sam Fer, Assumption; Jared DeFauw, Davenport North; Hannah Herington, Davenport North. |
Rotary Club of Davenport S.O.A.P. Project
One of Davenport Rotary's goal is to stop human trafficking in Davenport, Iowa. SOAP: Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution is an outreach campaign through FREE International. The outreach effort will aim to distribute thousands of bars of soap with the National Human Trafficking Hotline number. Additionally, free education will occur to hotel/motel employee's to raise awareness of human trafficking occurrences and to assist them with possible interventions. This project has been made possible by funding through Rotary District 6000 and Davenport Rotary. For more questions, feel free to contact Cheryl Goodwin at 563-468-2244.
ROTARY CANCELLED - Monday, January 6, 2014Due to the weather, Rotary is cancelled and will not meet on Monday, January 6, 2014. Membership meetings will resume on Monday, January 13, 2014. Happy New Year! |
Monday, December 23 and 30, 2013 - NO ROTARY![]() Rotary will not meet on Monday, December 23 or December 30 in observance of the holidays. Have a safe holiday and a very Happy New Year! See you in 2014! |
Monday, December 16, 2013 - Tom and Jerry Social![]()
The annual Tom and Jerry Social will be this Monday, December 16 from 4:30—6:00 PM at The Outing Club. As tradition, Tom and Jerry cocktails will be served to those looking to explore and enjoy a classic winter cocktail. A cash bar will also be available. In addition, Jack and Gayle Broderick have planned a great trivia contest that is sure to provide a friendly round of competition among the members. Come early and stay late. Reminder, this will be our last membership meeting of 2013. We will not meet on Monday, December 23 or 30. We will kick off 2014 on Monday, January 6. Guests are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Monday, December 9, 2013 - Melissa Mohr, PechaKucha NightsMelissa Mohr, Director of Education at the Figge, will be our guest speaker on Monday. She will present on PechaKucha Nights (PKN), a worldwide event hosted at the Figge every month. PKN began as a fun, informal way to share creative projects and ideas in Tokyo over 10 years ago and has spread to over 700 cities. Organized by the Figge, PKN reaches the entire Quad City Community and has experienced great success in its first year. How it works! Each PKN features 8-10 presenters from the community that speak on a topic of their interest - not necessarily something about visual art, just something they love. Topics range from recent travels to scholarly research, from funny pet stories to newly composed songs. Accompanying each presentation are 20 images. The catch is that each image is only projected for 20 seconds, making an entire presentation less than 7 minutes. Members will have an opportunity to experience two PKN presentations on Monday. Melissa Mohr has been the Director of Education at the Figge since June, 2012. Prior to her role as Director of Education, she served as the Outreach Coordinator, providing educational arts-integration lessons to over 50,000 students and residents in the Quad City Area. Mohr received her BA in Classics from Knox College and her MA in Art History from the University of Iowa. In addition to working for the Figge, Mohr volunteers on numerous community committees and teachers a graduate level course on museum education through Western Illinois University’s Museum Studies program. |
Monday, December 2, 2013 - Merle Anderson, God's Mercy Orphanage![]()
North Scott Rotarian, Merle Anderson, will be speaking about an international grant opportunity for God’s Mercy Orphanage Center (GMOC) in Kisoro, Uganda, Africa.
The vision of God’s Mercy Orphanage Center is to envision a society where all orphans and vulnerable children live meaningful lives and effectively contribute to the social, cultural, and economic development of their communities and nation at large. Their mission is to reach out to more orphans and vulnerable children, by providing educational, physical and spiritual needs and by empowering them to be able to live meaningful lives. Please take a few minutes before the meeting to get better acquainted with God’s Mercy Orphanage Center by reviewing their website at Be sure to click on "History" and meet some of the beautiful orphans that depend upon GMOC.
Farewell Jr. Rotarians
We bid farewell to our third round of Jr. Rotarians and wish them continued success throughout their senior year.
Pictured from L to R: Adam Kall, Davenport Central; Mitchell Diamond, Davenport Central; Haley Bugos, Assumption; Andrew Quested, Assumption; Austin Barton, Davenport West; Libby Burken, Davenport West; William Greer, Davenport North; and Sophia Daniel, Davenport North.
Monday, November 25, 2013 - IA Secretary of State, Matt Schultz![]() The Rotary Club of Davenport will welcome Iowa Secretary of State, Matt Schultz to the Monday, November 25 membership meeting. Secretary Schultz will speak to the club about the business services division of the Secretary of State's office. Specifically, he will discuss the services being offered that have a positive impact on local companies and the various enhancements being made to help make Iowa's business climate more efficient. From the Secretary's website: |
Monday, November 18, 2013 - Cal Litwiller, Rotary Grant Projects
Rotarian Cal Litwiller will speak to the membership on Monday, November 18 about international global grant service projects.
Calvin “Cal” Litwiller “Cal” has been a member of the Mt Pleasant Evening Rotary Club since l991, serving as Club President, Assistant Gov., Matching Grant Committee Chair and as District Governor (2009-10). Both Cal and his wife, Rachel, are multiple Paul Harris Fellows, making their family be a Paul Harris family, and are both Rotary Cal grew up on a farm in southeast Iowa. He has his Masters Degree in education from the University of Iowa, and has spent his career prior his retirement in 2008, in science education in the Public Secondary schools of Iowa, most recently Mt. Pleasant High School. The Litwiller’s spent some time in Holland where Cal taught in the American International School. This initiated the Litwiller’s enjoyment of adventure travel, which has taken them to 5 continents. The Litwiller’s have two children, Cherie, currently an administrator with The Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar, and Tony who is the VP of sales for a medical device company in Philadelphia, PA. Cal’s hobbies are photography, taking care of his honey bees and Rotary. In the last two years Cal had ridden his bike/trike across the US and 1000 miles north from the Gulf of Mexico, both with the support of Rachel in their SUV. |
Monday, November 11, 2013 - No Rotary, Veteran's DayRotary will not be held on Monday, November 11 in observance of Veteran’s Day. We will return on Monday, November 18 with guest speaker Cal Litwiller. Cal will present on international global grant service projects.
Monday, November 4, 2013 - 5th Annual Chili Cook Off![]() The time has come for the 5th Annual Chili Cook Off! Join us on Monday, November 4 from 6:00—9:00 PM at the River Music Experience. It will be an evening of fellowship, family, chili and Monday night football. Chili will be flowing and the Bears vs. Packers will be on the big screens. The following 12 Rotarians will be competing for “Best Taste” and “Best Presentation”
Bill Ashton
Tom Bowman
Mike Dau
Dan DeVries
Sean Eckhardt
Brad Fugate
Annette Horvath
Kathy Kraft
Gary Loss
Jack Rosenberg
Chris Townsend
Brian Wright
The competition will be fierce! Bring your spouse/significant other, kids and friends for a FREE evening of food, FUN and football! Find out who will be crowned the 2013 champion.
Monday, October 28, 2013 - Vocational ServiceOctober is Vocational Service Month in the world of Rotary, a time for Rotarians to focus on their vocation and its importance to their local community and society at large. The Monday, October 28 meeting will focus on vocational service, spotlighting two Rotarians and their vocations. The concept of vocational service
October 24, 2013 - World Polio Day![]() Every year on October 24, people around the world shine a We are indeed “this close!” The United States has been polio free for many years, but this evil crippling disease doesn't stop coming back at us, even though we have diminished polio cases in the three endemic countries (Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan) by 40% this year. It continues to spread back into countries that have been polio-free for years! The number of polio cases for this year already exceeds the number of cases from 2012. This includes cases in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and most recently in the Sudan. Rotary's commitment is to protect EVERY CHILD from this crippling disease. We can be extremely proud as Rotarians to state that by the time the world is certified polio-free, Rotary's contributions to the global polio eradication effort will exceed $1.2 Billion. In addition, millions of dollars of 'in-kind' and personal contributions have been made by and through local Rotary clubs and districts for polio eradication activities. More than one million Rotarians worldwide have contributed toward the success of the polio eradication effort to date.
Monday, October 21, 2013 - Farewell Junior Rotarians![]() It is already time to bid farewell to our second round of Jr. Rotarians. We hope they enjoyed their time at Rotary and wish them continued success throughout their senior year. Pictured from L to R: Kenny Thach and Isabella Koranda, Davenport North, Malik Salsberry and Madison Walker, Davenport West, Sarah Gorzney and Ben Pashon, Davenport Assumption, and Tillie Sitz and Danielle Nauman, Davenport Central.
Monday, October 21, 2013 - Mara Sovey, John Deere Foundation![]() Mara Sovey, President of the John Deere Foundation will be the guest speaker on Monday, October 21. Mara will provide an update on the John Deere Foundation and Deere’s corporate citizenship efforts. Mara Sovey is the President of the John Deere Foundation and Director of Global Citizenship at John Deere. In this capacity Mara is responsible for further developing and executing John Deere’s strategy for corporate citizenship, philanthropy and volunteerism on a global basis. She serves as the company’s primary representative to many key economic development and non-profit organizations in the company’s worldwide headquarters area. Working with the Chairman of the John Deere Foundation and its board of directors, Mara determines the most effective ways of supporting key programs in education, community development and solutions for world hunger. |
Monday, October 14, 2013 - No Rotary, Columbus Day
Rotary will not be held on Monday, October 14 in observance of Columbus Day. We will return on Monday, October 21 with Mara Sovey, President of the John Deere Foundation.
Monday, October 7, 2013 - Tony Singh, The Appalachian Trail![]()
This year Tony Singh reached a milestone: he has now hiked over two thousand five hundred miles of wilderness trails around the world.
In 1988 Tony set out to hike the world’s longest continuously marked trail, the Appalachian Trail which covers 2,184 miles spanning from Georgia to Maine. Having a young family and a business in the Quad Cities, it took him 23 years of section-hiking to complete the AT. This summer he solo-hiked, 240 miles through the California wilderness. This trek, which took him three weeks to complete, is better known as the John Muir trail. This epic trail spans from Yosemite to Mount Whitney - the highest point in the continental United States. Despite his love for hiking and the mountains, he always returns to the Quad Cities area where he calls home. He and his wife, Joyce, have raised three children together in this area over the last 25 years. They are both passionate about ecological conservation, spending the last 18 years developing a prairie and woodland preserve in LeClaire where they reside. Through his determination and efforts Tony has also developed a successful business. The Singh Group at Merrill Lynch, which includes Tony’s daughter and business partner Aleeza Singh, has been providing wealth management, advice and guidance to a select number of families in the Quad Cities for over 25 years. Tony is a great supporter of public radio and television, area arts and conservation. His family participates in the Scott County Adopt a Road program. He serves on the board of directors for Nahant Marsh Conservatory – a Quad Cities environmental treasure. In addition, the Singh Group at Merrill Lynch has supported WQPT Iowa Public Television, WVIK Augustana Public Radio and the Figge Art Museum consistently over the years. Next year Tony plans to travel to South America where he will continue his lifelong hiking journey. |
Monday, September 30, 2013 - Bruce Rastetter, IA Board of Regents![]()
Bruce Rastetter from the IA Board of Regents will speak to the club on Monday, September 30. He will speak on the challenges American agriculture faces in feeding a global population of nine billion people by 2050. Bruce stresses that the key to meeting those challenges lies within agriculture education programs at U.S. colleges and universities. As president of the Iowa Board of Regents and the CEO of a diversified, international agribusiness company based in Alden, Iowa, Bruce provides a unique perspective that will be interesting and informative to the membership.
Monday, September 23, 2013 - Ray Wolfe, National Weather Service![]()
Ray Wolfe from the National Weather Service will join us on Monday, September 23 to speak on the science of Climate Change. What is being observed around the globe and locally, and why is it happening? What are projections for the future and what could that mean for our area? He will discuss exactly what is the greenhouse effect, how has CO2 changed through the past and what are future projections, how do we know warming has a human connection, and what impacts are possible to Midwest agriculture.
Monday, September 16, 2013 - Farewell Jr. Rotarians Round #1![]()
It is already time to bid farewell to our first round of Jr. Rotarians. We hope they enjoyed their time at Rotary and wish them continued success throughout their senior year.
Pictured from L to R: Carolina Roa, Assumption; Sydney Verdi, Assumption; Gabby Hoeksema, Davenport Central; Jacob Behrendt Davenport Central; Caroline Emery, Davenport North; Aaron Reynolds, Davenport North; Brooke Garnica, Davenport West; and Alex Reed, Davenport West. |
Monday, September 16, 2013 - Dougal Nelson, Habitat for Humanity
Dougal Nelson, Director of Development for Habitat for Humanity, will join us on Monday, September 16. He will be discussing Habitat’s family selection process and the impact of homeownership on a family and the community. Dougal will also touch on the strategic direction the organization is taking.
Dougal and his wife Pam of 31 years, are both lifelong residents of the Quad Cities. After graduating from Western Illinois University, Dougal went on to become Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Isabel Bloom for many years. Driven by memories of his childhood years, his passion for the community, and wanting to give back, Dougal decided in late 2011 to leave Isabel Bloom and pursue a career in helping those less fortunate. Dougal had previously volunteered at the Red Cross, Junior Achievement and for Habitat for Humanity. Having witnessed what a community can do for those in need, it seemed like a natural fit for him to be closer to the missions he so believed in. In November 2011, Dougal accepted the position as Director of Development with Habitat for Humanity Quad Cities. His goals are widespread; however, eliminating generational poverty is most important to Dougal. When he is not working, Dougal is an avid golfer, and also enjoys carpentry, cooking and working on vintage cars. He is a current member of the North Scott Rotary.
Monday, September 9, 2013 - Rotary Charitable Giving Fund PresentationThe clubs fundraising efforts through WingFest and ROTO Bucks raised over $15,000 last year for the charitable giving fund. On Monday we will meet the recipients of the funds and hear how they plan to use the support to further their mission. The membership will also have an opportunity to hear about initiatives our club financially supports on an annual basis including FAMSCO, M.O.S.T. and Youth Harvest. Finally, hear from Davenport Central student, Erika Allen, on her experience at RYLA this past July at Wartburg College.
Monday, August 26, 2013 - Dr. Art Tate, Davenport Community Schools Superintendent![]()
Join us on Monday for guest speaker Dr. Art Tate. He will give an update on the State and District, including the District of Distinction project for the school system.
Dr. Tate has served in the role as Davenport Community Schools Superintendent since July 1, 2011. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Miami; three master’s degrees from Boston University, Texas Tech University and the University of Rhode Island; and an education doctoral degree from Florida Atlantic University. |
Monday, August 19, 2013 - District Governor Jacque Andrew
2013-2014 District 6000 Governor, Jacque Andrew and her husband Jim will be traveling throughout the district for the first five months of the Rotary year to visit all 64 clubs, and the Ankeny Evening Satellite-Provisional club. They will be stopping in Davenport on Monday to speak to our membership and visit with our club board of directors, officers and committee chairs. Following the meeting, the District Governor will visit the Rotary Centennial Pavilion site.
Monday, August 12, 2013 - Maggie Tinsman "Rotary Friendship Exchange"![]()
Rotarian Maggie Tinsman had the opportunity to join the Rotary Friendship Exchange to beautiful South Africa from April 17-May 8, 2013. She traveled with 10 Iowa Rotarians from District 6000, staying in the homes of South African Rotarians and representing the Davenport Rotary to people in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town, George, and Kruger National Park.
Monday, August 5, 2013 - Rotary Corn Boil
The Rotary Club of Davenport Annual Corn Boil will be held on Monday, August 5 at the Duck Creek Pavilion. Don’t miss out! Join us for an enjoyable evening of great food, family and friends. For those that are available, the festivities will kick off around 3:00 PM with corn shucking and boiling. Dinner will be served around 5:30PM. Please RSVP to Johanna Smith at with your guest count if you have not done so already. Guests are $12 per person and kids are free.
Monday, July 29, 2013 - Mississippi Valley Fair
It’s time to head to the Fair! Our longstanding Davenport Rotary Tradition will continue on Monday, July 29th as we head to the Mississippi Valley Fair on Preparation Day. We will meet in the Pavilion, right across from the horse barns on the West side of the grounds. To avoid delays ROTARIANS NEED TO ENTER THE FAIR THRU THE GATE OFF LOCUST STREET RIGHT ACROSS FROM McDONALDS. Riefe's will cater lunch.
2013 will mark the 94th year for the Fair. Far from its humble beginnings in the early 1900's it has grown from a small county fair into a grand regional event, attracting more than 300,000 people during fair week and over 600,000 people annually making it one of the largest fairs in Iowa. The impressive grandstand line up for 2013 includes Toby Keith, Josh Turner, Dwight Yoakam, Lynyrd, Skynyrd, Diamond Rio and Jake Owen. |
Rotary Evening Meeting at Front Street Brewery - Monday, July 22, 2013Rotarians and guests, join us after work on Monday, July 22 from 5:00-6:00 pm at the Freight House location of Front Street Brewery for a light hearted meeting, hors d’ouerves and beverages. Rotarians Monica Forret and Brian Nagle will be highlighted as our vocational spotlights Please note, the evening meeting will replace our regular noon meeting on the 22nd. RSVP to Guests will be charged a fee of $12.
Gary Loss Becomes Davenport Rotary’s 102nd PresidentOn Monday, July 15, 2013, The Rotary Club of Davenport installed its 102nd President with President Gary Loss taking the oath of office from outgoing President Cheryl Goodwin (see attached photo). Fresh from the Rotary International Convention held in Lisbon, Portugal, President Loss summarized his convention experiences as well as presented his goals for the upcoming 2013‐2014 fiscal year. Gary also took the opportunity to introduce the board of directors, officers and committee chairs who will be working alongside him during his Presidency.
Other officers inducted at the meeting were: Paul Johnson, President-elect; Betsy Pratt, Vice-President; Steve Gray, Secretary; Bob Sharp, Treasurer; Brian Wright, Sergeant-at-Arms; Cheryl Goodwin, Past President.
Also elected to the board were Gene Meeker, Rick Best, Mark Zimmerman, Eloise Graham, Bob Morrison and Rob Scott.
Throughout the year, President Loss will continue to build on the momentum of his predecessors, primarily striving to increase the vitality of Davenport Rotary through membership engagement, increased meeting attendance, additional networking opportunities, and increased visibility of Rotary.
Led by Rotary International President, Ron Burton from Norman, OK, “Engage Rotary Change Lives” is the guiding theme for the 2013‐3014 Rotary International year. President Loss is challenging each member to engage and help change lives.
Rotary offers wonderful opportunities to serve our fellow human beings in our vocations, community, country and world. The club currently has 17 active committees, including scholarships, local community service, and world community service.
For more information, go to
2013-14 Rotary Club of Davenport Board of Directors and Officers Installation - Monday, July 15, 2013
It’s time to pass the gavel to the 2013-14 Rotary Club of Davenport Board of Directors and Officers. Join us as we take time to recognize and thank the outgoing board members and committee chairs as well as install the 2013-2014 Rotary Club of Davenport Board and Officers and meet the 2013-14 Committee Chairs. The following will be installed:
Club Officers:
Board of Directors:
Thank You 2012-2013 Club Officers, Board of Directors and Committee Chairs! We appreciate your time, talent and commitment to the Rotary Club of Davenport. You exemplify “Service Above Self.”
Monday, July 1, 2013 - Mike Clarke "Davenport Sewers Under Siege"
Davenport’s Public Works Director and Davenport Rotarian Mike Clarke will present some history of how Davenport’s sewer system was developed and events that have brought us to our current condition. Mike will talk about the impacts of the West Side Diversion Tunnel, ongoing maintenance programs, how the IDNR and EPA influence our maintenance program, why the recent back-up’s occurred and what financial obligations lay ahead for the city in the next 20 years.
Monday, June 24, 2013 - "The Battle of Credit Island"
Due to a scheduling conflict Mike Clarke will not be able to present on Monday, June 24. Instead, Rotarian Larry Minard will present the story of “The Battle of Credit Island" which took place on September 14-15, 1814. Next year is the bicentennial of one of the most western battles of the War of 1812. It was fought between the British/Indian combined forces and the American armies. This battle shaped the future development of this area even to the present day. Join us to learn more about this historical event.
Monday, June 17, 2012 - Lindsay Deckert "Parenting Inside Out"![]()
Parenting Inside Out (PIO) is a parent management training program for fathers involved in the criminal justice system that live in Scott County and have at least one child age zero to five. It is intended to equip parents with cognitive and behavioral skills they can use to solve problems in their daily lives as well as with their children and families. Join us on Monday, June 17 to hear from PIO facilitator Lindsay Deckert and hear more about the program and how it works to support the transfer of skills learned in the program to everyday life outside of incarceration.
Lindsay facilitates “Parenting Inside Out” through the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. The program is a partnership between the Extension and County Sheriff’s Office and is funded by Scott County Kids. She received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Iowa and her Masters in School Counseling from Western Illinois University. She has spent the past two years working as the Parenting Inside Out Coach and Educator. |
Monday, June 24, 2013 - Bruce Carter, Quad City Airport![]()
Bruce Carter started his aviation career in 1975 as an FBO fueler and later became a charter pilot in Mankato, Minnesota. In 1978, he was hired as an air traffic controller until the PATCO strike in 1981. Bruce owned and operated an FBO before becoming involved in the airport management field in 1984 when he became the Operations Manager at the Waterloo Airport. In 1986, he became the Airport Director at Waterloo Airport and has held similar positions at Springfield, Illinois for three years and Peoria, Illinois for five years. Since 1999, Mr. Carter has served as the Director of Aviation at the Quad City International Airport. Mr. Carter is an Accredited Airport Executive (AAE) and has served as President of the Great Lakes Chapter of AAAE, chaired the NAC and the Airport Ground Handling Association (AGSA). He currently serves on the Executive Committee of the American Association of Airport Executives as Chair, as well as serving on the International Association of Airport Executives. Mr. Carter is also a commercial pilot, holding an instrument and multi-engine rating, and was previously a certified flight instructor logging over 2800 hours.
Bruce is married to Faith Carter and they have two grown sons and two grandchildren. |
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 - Rotary Pavilion Groundbreaking CeremonyROTARY IS BREAKING GROUND!
Monday, June 3, 2013 - David Daily, Federal Security Director, QC Airport
David Dailey is the Federal Security Director (FSD) at the Quad City International Airport (MLI) in Moline, Illinois. As FSD, He is responsible for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) federal security oversight of eight airports and TSA surface transportation security operations in Downstate Illinois.
Rotary Club of Davenport Inducts Seven Members into ClubOn Monday, May 20, President Cheryl Goodwin and President-Elect Gary Loss, inducted seven new members into the Rotary Club of Davenport. The new members include Dan Cosner, WalMart; Ken Freedman, KWQC; Kathy Halter, Russell Construction; Brad Martell, Scott County Family YMCA; Michelle Magyer, Mid-American Glass; Ed Rivers, Scott County Health Department; and Jim Wegener, Thrivent Financial. Welcome to Davenport Rotary! |
Monday, May 27, 2013 - NO ROTARY
Rotary will not be held on Monday, May 27 in observance of Memorial Day.
Davenport Rotarian Doug Garner—Paul Harris Major Donoreducational projects. |
Monday, May 20, 2013 - Pam Arndt, Humane Society of Scott County
Monday is being turned over to the dogs and cats! Join us for guest speaker, Pam Arndt, Executive Director for the Humane Society of Scott County. She will discuss the Humane Society’s mission, adoptions, animal control services and various other programs that are offered at the shelter.
Monday, May 13, 2013 - President Steven Leath, Iowa State University![]() Steven Leath is Iowa State University's 15th president. He assumed leadership of the university on Jan. 16, 2012. |
Monday, May 6, 2013 - Juan Diez Rancheros
Join us on Monday, May 6 to hear from Juan Diez Rancheros co-founder, Michelle Allison. Located on the grounds of the former zoo area at Fejervary Park, Juan Diez Rancheros (JDR) is a non-profit program offering opportunities for potential breakthroughs for kids and young adults that have been abused or traumatized emotionally. Sessions are structured with the use of rescued horses, and are free of charge to those already receiving counseling due to their situation. The unique qualities of the horse allow kids to get more in touch with those tender areas in their emotions, without the guarded walls they sometimes hide behind when talking with people. Sessions are provided free of charge. Come learn more about a program that is benefiting kids and adults throughout the Quad Cities.
Congratulations 2013 Rotary Scholarship Recipients![]()
Congratulations to the Davenport high school students who received scholarships from the Rotary Club of Davenport! From left: Daphne Cornish, $10,000 (Central); Claire Rayburn, $10,000 (Central); Danielle Moore, $16,000 (Assumption); Kristopher Burney, $10,000 (West); Dylan Beyhl, $10,000 (North).
Monday, April 29, 2013 - Rotary Scholarship PresentationOn Monday, the Club will award $56,000 in scholarships to five incredible high school seniors. The committee reviewed more than forty applications this year and has worked hard to find the most deserving students from each of the four high schools. Join us on Monday to meet the recipients. |
Rotary Welcomes Final Round of Jr. Rotarians for 2012-2013 School YearThe Rotary Club of Davenport is honored to welcome their eighth and final group of outstanding Jr. Rotarians from the local high schools for the 2012-2013 school year. A warm Rotary welcome to:
Emma Simmons (Davenport Assumption) Katelyn Youngerman (Davenport Assumption) Anne Delleman (Davenport Central) Kylie Hamerlinck (Davenport Central) Ryan Atchley (Davenport North) Emily Doxsie (Davenport North) Seth Stoube (Davenport West) Kaitlyn Critchfield (Davenport West) |
Monday, April 22, 2013 - “Servant Leadership—A Transformative Approach”
Join us on Monday, April 22 for an interactive presentation by guest speaker, Dr. Dan Ebener of St. Ambrose University. Dr. Ebener will answer What is leadership? How does it work? What is servant leadership? How does it enhance our understanding and practice of leadership?
Fire Safety Project Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Davenport, American Red Cross of the Quad Cities Area and the Davenport Fire DepartmentFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Rotary volunteers will work in conjunction with Red Cross volunteers and the Fire Department this Saturday, April 13 from 9 am to noon to hand out materials in three Davenport neighborhoods. Volunteers will meet at a designated spot to park and then the Red Cross will provide vehicles and volunteers to transport everyone around the community.
Davenport Rotarian Eloise Graham is coordinating the project with two other Davenport Rotarians, Betsy Pratt, CEO of the American Red Cross of the Quad Cities Area, and Davenport Fire Chief Lynn Washburn. The Rotary club has been collecting funds that the Red Cross uses to provide supplies to families that have experienced a fire. Through this new partnership project, we hope to prevent those tragedies by providing information about fire safety to Davenport residents. “Fire safety is an important part of the mission of the American Red Cross of the Quad Cities Area. We’re honored that the Davenport Rotary has chosen this project that can help us save lives in our community,” said Betsy Pratt. Additional volunteers are needed, and they do not need to be Rotary members. To volunteer, contact Eloise Graham at, or call 563-359-8696. For interviews, photos or video during the event, reporters should meet at 9 am at the KWQC parking lot, Perry Street entrance. Rotary International Mission Statement The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. ### |
Monday, April 15, 2013 - Dee Bruemmer "Condition of the County"
Join us on Monday, April 15 as Scott County Administrator, Dee Bruemmer presents the “Condition of the County.” She will discuss current programs at the County and the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Ms. Breummer will also highlight a few of the services available at the County and give an update on the impact of new laws being discussed at the State legislature.
Monday, April 8, 2013 - Affordable Care Act: How Will It Impact You?
Roger Schemmel will be providing us with an update on the current issues surrounding this legislation. A great deal has happened since "Obama Care" was ruled constitutional in June of 2012 and there will be many more media reports in the coming months as it is fully implemented. You'll learn about the big changes effective January 2014 and how the advance premium tax credits offered in the exchanges will reduce the cost of coverage for qualifying individuals.
Roger has been a Davenport Rotarian since 1996 and has served two tours of duty as a Board member of our club. He is President of Molyneaux Insurance and holds the professional designations of Chartered Life Underwriter, Chartered Financial Consultant and Certified Employee Benefit Specialist. He is very active in the community and has held leadership positions on many local non profit organizations and professional association Boards. He has three children and lives in Blue Grass with his wife, Lori.
Rotary Evening Meeting - Monday, April 1, 2013Rotarians and guests, join us after work on Monday, April 1 at Front Street Brewery’s new Freight House location from 5:00—6:00 PM for a light hearted meeting, hors d’ouerves and beverages. Please note, the evening meeting will replace our regular noon meeting at the Rotary Club on the 1st. |
Monday, March 25, 2013 - Mayor Bill Gluba![]() Join us on Monday, March 25 as Mayor Bill Gluba presents the “State of the City.” He will provide his yearly update on the condition of the city. Guests are welcome and will be charged $12 per person. |
Monday, March 18, 2013 - Don Grensing "The MAC Conference at 35”Former Davenport Central Hall of Famer and local sports historian, Don Grensing will be the guest speaker on Monday, March 18. Don was head basketball coach at Davenport Central from 1960-1984 and coached the Blue Devils to the state championship in 1970. He is a native of Muscatine, served in the U. S. Army, graduated from Iowa Wesleyan in 1952, and coached at Le Claire and Wilton high schools before coming to Davenport. He has been active in sports his entire life, playing, coaching and managing the semi-pro Muscatine Red Sox baseball team from 1945-2005. He was athletic director and activities manager at Davenport Central from 1985-1999 and was Executive Secretary of MAC Conference from 1999 until last year. In 2010 Don was inducted into the QC Times Sports Hall of Fame. |
Monday, March 4, 2013 - Lori Elam, Mental Health RedesignAfter a month of touring the community, we are returning to The Outing Club on Monday, March 4. Our guest speaker is Lori Elam, Director of Scott County Community Services. She will speak to the club about Iowa’s Mental Health Redesign giving a brief overview of what the county’s responsibility is regarding mental health services and funding and about mental health redesign at the state level. Ms. Elam is a native of Scott County. She graduated from Cornell College and attended Western Illinois University. Ms. Elam has worked with disabled individuals in various capacities for over 28 years at Vera French Pine Knoll Residential Programs, the Handicapped Development Center and Scott County Community Services. Currently she is the Scott County Community Services Director and oversees the mental health budget for the county, as well as the General Assistance program and the Protective Payee program. She also serves as public guardian and conservator for several individuals who have no family and need assistance in making decisions. Ms. Elam is passionate about helping others so they may become productive members of the community or at least live peacefully and safely in the community. |
Monday, February 25, 2013 - Tim Schiffer, Figge Art Museum![]() Rotary is heading to the Figge! It is our last meeting before returning to The Outing Club in March. Join us on February 25 at the Figge Art Museum located at 225 W 2nd Street. Our speaker will be Executive Director, Tim Schiffer. Tim has been the Executive Director of the Figge since August 1, 2012. Prior to coming to Davenport, he spent 12 years as the Executive Director at the Museum of Ventura County, a history and art museum in Southern California. Tim will speak about the history of the Figge and its plans for the future. Rotarians will also have an opportunity to visit the galleries after lunch. |
Monday, February 18, 2013 - No RotaryRotary will not be held on Monday, February 18 in observance of President’s Day. However, the Board of Directors will meet at 4:45 pm in the garage conference room at Trissel, Graham & Toole. |
Monday, February 11, 2013 - Valentine's Luncheon![]() The Rotary Club of Davenport will be holding theis annual Valentine’s Day luncheon on Monday, February 11 at The Rogalski Center at St. Ambrose. Entertainment will be provided by the local high schools. Guests will be billed $12. |
Rotary Club of Davenport Community Grant Applications Now AvailableFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Grants are not awarded to groups for annual fundraising, organizational endowment funds, deficit financing, grants to individuals, scholarship funds, political groups or activities, Rotarians and their families or for sectarian purposes. Organizations that received funds last year are not eligible for the 2013 funding cycle. Applications are reviewed and awarded by the Rotary Club of Davenport Board of Directors. For more information, contact Johanna Smith at 563-322-3567 or via email at ### |
Rotary Club of Davenport Scholarship Applications Now AvailableFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The application deadline is March 1st. Applications are available to download at Completed requests must be postmarked by March 1st and sent to: Rotary Club of Davenport, 1910 E. Kimberly Road, Ste. 310, Davenport, IA 52807. Applications are reviewed and awarded by the Rotary Club of Davenport Scholarship Committee. The Rotary Club of Davenport Scholarship Program is one of the largest in the Quad Cities metro area, awarding over $1,000,000 in scholarships since its inception as the Rotary Memorial College Loan and Scholarship Fund in 1922. For more information, contact Johanna Smith at 563-322-3567 or via email at |
Rotary Welcomes Sixth Round of Jr. RotariansThe Rotary Club of Davenport is honored to welcome their sixth group of outstanding Jr. Rotarians from the local high schools. A warm Rotary welcome to:
Thomas Bush (Davenport Assumption) Mary Kate Phillips (Davenport Assumption) Emily Roebuck (Davenport Central) Kaja Roelle (Davenport Central) Zach Fries (Davenport North) Rachel Jones (Davenport North) Freya Greene (Davenport West) Jacob Stewart (Davenport West) |
Monday, February 4, 2013 - Davenport Police DepartmentIt’s time for our month of touring the community. Join us on Monday, February 4 for a presentation and tour of the The Davenport Police Department has an authorized strength of 163 Police Officers and 28 civilian employees. The Department handles over 140,000 calls for service annually and has an advanced computer dispatch system, integrated in-car computers and an enhanced 911 service, supported by an outstanding, professional and dedicated group of men and women. The Davenport Police Department is also very proud to state that the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) awarded the Davenport Police Department accreditation status in July, 2003 and two subsequent reaccreditations in 2006 and 2010. The national accreditation process included an examination of all |
Monday, January 28, 2013 - Becky Eiting, Davenport City AssessorRotarian and Davenport City Assessor, Becky Eiting will present a program at the Monday, January 28 meeting. She will give an update on the state of the Davenport City Assessment jurisdiction and an overview of the assessment process in the Iowa. Becky Eiting has been with the Davenport City Assessor’s office since October of 1980 after she relocated from the Dubuque County Assessor’s Office, where she was the Supervisor of Assessments and Personal Property Appraiser. Eiting received her MRA from Lincoln Graduate in Chicago. She attended numerous IAAO courses in various appraisal methodologies such as Income Approach, Principles, Standards, Fundamentals, Development and Analysis of the Assessment Ratio Study and numerous appraisal and management courses. |
Monday, January 21 - No Rotary
Rotary will not meet on Monday, January 21 in observance of Martin Luther King Day. We will return to the Outing Club on Monday, January 28 with a program by Rotarian and Davenport City Assessor, Becky Eiting. She will give an update on the state of the Davenport City Assessment jurisdiction and an overview of the assessment process in the Iowa.
Monday, January 14, 2013 - Craig Malin, City of DavenportCHANGE IN PROGRAM. . . Craig Malin, Davenport’s City Administrator, will speak at Davenport Rotary on Monday, replacing Bruce Carter, who was called out of town for a meeting. Mr. Malin will speak to the CASINO issue that is at this time before the City Council.
Monday, January 7, 2013 - "Engaging Rotarians"Happy New Year Rotarians….Rotary is back in session! Join us on Monday, January 7 at The Outing Club as we kick off 2013 with a presentation on the direction of the Club in the new year. Topics to include membership, foundation giving, fundraising and membership satisfaction. Don’t miss it! |
Monday, December 24 and Monday, December 31, 2012Rotary will not meet on Monday, December 24 or Monday, December 31 in observance of the holiday. Join us at The Outing Club on Monday, January 7 as we kick off 2013. Happy New Year! |
Rotary Club of Davenport Welcomes Fifth Round of Jr. RotariansThe Rotary Club of Davenport is honored to welcome their fifth group of outstanding Jr. Rotarians from the local high schools. A warm Rotary welcome to:
Billy Daniel (Davenport Assumption) Hannah McAfoos (Davenport Assumption) Josie Mumm (Davenport Central) Sarah Sitz (Davenport Central) Alexandra Kirby (Davenport North) Anthony Khounlo (Davenport North) Romana Isic (Davenport West) Brandon Wheeler (Davenport West) |
Monday, December 17 - Tom and Jerry Party
The annual Tom and Jerry Party will be this Monday, December 17. As tradition, Tom and Jerry cocktails will be served to those looking to explore and enjoy a classic winter cocktail. A cash bar will also be available. In addition, Jack and Gayle Broderick have planned a great trivia contest for the afternoon that is sure to provide a friendly round of competition among the members. Come early and stay late. Reminder, this will be our last membership meeting of 2012. We will not meet on Monday, December 24 or 31. We will kick off 2013 on Monday, January 7.
Monday, December 12, 2012 - Brian Ritter, Nahant MarshBrian Ritter is the Facilitator for the Nahant Marsh Education Center and the Department Coordinator for Conservation Technology for the Eastern Iowa Community College District. He is responsible for the overall operations of the Center including staffing, research, fundraising, events, recruitment and organization of volunteers, public relations, partnership development, educational programming and the development of EICCD Conservation Technology Program. Mr. Ritter also teaches college courses that focus on Fisheries Management, Field Ecology, Conservation, Wildlife Habitat Management and Wilderness Experience. |
Monday, December 3, 2012 - Bill Stoermer, Exelon CorporationBill Stoermer is the Senior Communications Manager at Exelon Nuclear. He is responsible for internal and external communications and public affairs for the Quad Cities Generating Station in Cordova, IL. Mr. Stoermer has over 30 years of nuclear plant experience working for Exelon Nuclear and has held several leadership positions within the company in Maintenance, Human Resources, Government Affairs, and Communications. |
Monday, November 26, 2012 - Rotary Youth ExchangeAssistant District Governor , Doug Peterson, will join us on Monday, November 26 to discuss the Rotary Youth Exchange program. Rotary Youth Exchange students spend up to a year living with host families and attending school in a different country. Whether they participate in a long-term or short-term exchange program, they learn a new way of living, a great deal about themselves, and maybe even a new language. They are also ambassadors, teaching people about their country, culture, and ideas. You can help bring the world closer – and make some good friends in the process. |
Monday, November 19, 2012 - Rotay Committee UpdatesGreat things are happening in the club! Join us on Monday, November 19 as five committee chairs update the club on their progress and future plans. Updates will be given by the membership committee, world and local community service committees, foundation committee and fundraising committee. |
Monday, November 12, 2012 - Dr. J.B. Penn, Deere & Company![]() Dr. J. B. Penn is the chief economist of Deere & Company, a position he has held since 2006. He is responsible for heading the office which helps guide the company’s policy development and corporate growth initiatives worldwide, through the analysis of global trends in economics, business conditions, and governmental policies.
Monday, November 5, 2012 - Chili Cook Off at River Music Experience![]() The Rotary Club of Davenport 4th Annual Chili Cook-Off will be held Monday, November 5, from 6:00—9:00 PM at the River Music Experience located at 129 N. Main Street in Davenport. Twelve Rotarians will compete for the title of “Best Chili” and “Best Presentation.” Plan on bringing your spouse/significant other, kids and friends for a FREE evening of food and FUN! We will also be doing a 50/50 raffle in conjunction with the cook-off. Tickets are $50 for one or $100 for three. To RSVP or purchase 50/50 raffle tickets, please email See you on Monday! Reminder, the chili cook off will be in lieu of our regular membership meeting. We will return to The Outing Club on Monday, November 12. |
Monday, October 29, 2012 - Maggie Tinsman, Braking Traffik![]() Join us on Monday, October 29 as Davenport Rotarian Maggie Tinsman, Founder and Chairman of Braking Traffik, and Cathy O’Keeffe, Executive Director of Braking Traffik, present on human trafficking and how it is affecting our society. In addition to discussing the various forms of human trafficking and the laws in place to stop it, Maggie and Cathy will give a voice to victims through sharing their stories from cases prosecuted in our own state of Iowa. Davenport Rotarians will learn what Braking Traffik is doing in Iowa to combat this horrific crime, as well as how Rotary can get involved to make lasting change in our community. |
Monday, October 22, 2012 - Kim Findlay, President & CEO, Putnam Museum![]() Join us on Monday, October 22 as President/CEO of the Putnam Museum, Kim Findlay, updates us on the latest developments at the museum. Prior to joining the Putnam, Kim worked with United Way of the Quad Cities Area from 1990 to 2004, where she served as President for the last nine years. She was instrumental in increasing annual funds raised by 30% as well as launching many successful community initiatives, including Contributor Choice; Outcomes Measurement for funded programs; the Community Partnership Grant Fund and the nationally-recognized Success By 6 initiative.
Rotary Club of Davenport Welcomes Third Round of Jr. RotariansThe Rotary Club of Davenport is honored to welcome their third group of outstanding Jr. Rotarians from the local high schools. A warm Rotary welcome to:
Kate Fennelly (Davenport Assumption) Casey Greufe (Davenport Assumption) Claire Rayburn (Davenport Central) Jessica Welser (Davenport Central) Brandon Menke (Davenport North) Hope Scheffert (Davenport North) Tracy Vo (Davenport West) Adrian Ortega (Davenport West) |
Monday, October 15, 2012 - Terry Geiger, District 6000 Governor, 2012-2013![]() Terry grew up in Ulysses, NE and after graduating from Aquinas High School in David City, he attended Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, NH for one year. He received his BA in Economics from Lawrence University in Appleton, WI and also received his advanced banking degree from the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Terry began his banking career in the small town of Beaver Crossing, NE. His career spanned over 35 years having served in bank management in five other communities in Iowa and Nebraska. In 2008, Terry retired from Great Western Bank in Leon, Iowa. |
Monday, October 1, 2012 - Congressional Candidate, John Archer![]() Join us on Monday, October 1 as our guest speaker is Congressional Candidate, John Archer. John has spent the last eleven years as Senior Counsel at Deere & Company. During that time, he has worked with factory, marketing and supply management personnel and completed an international assignment in Germany. Additionally, he is part owner of The Schebler Company, a Bettendorf, Iowa based manufacturer. |
Davenport Rotary Welcomes Second Group of Jr. RotariansThe Rotary Club of Davenport is honored to welcome their seconrd group of outstanding Jr. Rotarians from the local high schools. A warm Rotary welcome to:
Alyssa Daniel (Davenport Assumption) Danielle Moore (Davenport Assumption) Daphne Cornish (Davenport Central) Jocelyn Jackson (Davenport Central) Gabriela Magalhaes (Davenport North) Caleb Redman (Davenport North) Nickolas Meeks (Davenport West) Shelby Tracey (Davenport West) |
Monday, September 24, 2012 - Bill Tubbs, Polio Eradication and Rotary International![]() Join us on Monday, September 24 as our guest speaker is Bill Tubbs. Bill will speak on his most recent trip to India during which 172 million |
Monday, September 17, 2012 - Dr. Alec Scranton, Dean of the College of Engineering at the University of Iowa![]() Join us on Monday, September 17 as our guest speaker is Dr. Alec Scranton, Dean of the College of Engineering at the University of Iowa. A graduate of the College of Engineering at the University, Dr. Scranton has successfully lead the college's academic side through a multitude of initiatives, including completion of a critical ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) accreditation review, major strides in K-12 outreach and engagement, and innovative living/learning programs. Previously he served as departmental executive officer of the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. Dr. Scranton is also director of the National Science Foundation Industry-University Cooperative Research Center (NSF/IUCRC) Photopolymerization Center at the UI. The center represents a collaboration of scientists from the UI and the University of Colorado, as well as industrial representatives. |
Monday, September 10, 2012 - Dr. Art Tate, Superintendent, Davenport Community Schools![]() Join us on Monday, September 10 as our guest speaker is Dr. Art Tate, Superintendent, Davenport Community School District. Dr. Tate assumed the role of superintendent of the District on July 1, 2011. Immediately prior to his term in Davenport, he served as the Superintendent for the Tempe School District in Arizona during the 2011-2012 school year. He has also served as a superintendent in the Haverhill and Harvard, Massachusetts schools along with S.A.U. #34 in Hillsboro, New Hampshire and New York Military Academy in Cornwall on Hudson, New York. Dr. Tate was the director of human resources for T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, R.I., and began his education career as a teacher in the Broward County, Florida schools. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Miami; three master’s degrees from Boston University, Texas Tech University and the University of Rhode Island; and an education doctoral degree from Florida Atlantic University. |
Monday, September 3, 2012Rotary WILL NOT be held on Monday, September 3, 2012 in observance of Labor Day. Join us back at The Outing Club on Monday, September 10 and hear from guest speaker Dr. Art Tate, Superintendent, Davenport Community School District. |
Rotary Club of Davenport Welcomes First Round of Jr. Rotarians
The 2012-2013 is underway and the Rotary Club of Davenport welcomed its first round of Jr. Rotarians for the school year. A warm Rotary welcome to:
Allison Hanser (Davenport Assumption) Kristin Ketelaar (Davenport Assumption) Caroline Saveraid (Davenport Central) Amanda Taylor (Davenport Central) Mackenzie Garlock (Davenport North) Dylan Beyhl (Davenport North) Clara Loter (Davenport West) Andy Snawerdt (Davenport West) |
Monday, August 27, 2012 - Sam Giganti, City of Davenport Public WorksThe Rotary Club of Davenport will welcome Sam Giganti, Project Director for the City of Davenport Public Works Department to The Outing Club on Monday, August 27 to present on the new $7.1 million rail spur that will serve the Eastern Iowa Industrial Center. Upon completion in 2014, the $9.7 million transload facility located in the industrial park north of Davenport, is expected to bring additional jobs to the Quad Cities area. The rail spur will be used for shipping goods and raw materials. It will connect with a Canadian Pacific Railroad line. Join us on Monday and hear more about the project and its impact on the community. Guests and visiting Rotarians will be charged $12 to attend. |
Monday, August 20, 2012 - Lieutenant General J. Michael Bednarek, Commanding General, First Army
In 2011, First Army relocated its headquarters from Fort Gillem, GA to the Rock Island Arsenal. Join us on Monday, August 20 as Lieutenant General J. Michael Bednarek, Commanding General, First Army, explains more on "who" the First Army is and "what" they do for the Department of the Army.
Lieutenant General Mick Bednarek assumed command of First Army, April 6, 2011. Lieutenant General Mick Bednarek was born in London, England. He graduated from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va., in 1975 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology and later completed a Masters Degree in Personnel Management. Lieutenant General Bednarek's military education includes Infantry Officer Basic and Advanced Courses, Underwater Operations (SCUBA) Course, Military Free Fall Course, the Command and General Staff College, and the U.S. Army War College. |
Wednesday, August 8, 2012 - Corn Boil![]() Our annual corn boil will be held at the Duck Creek Pavilion on Wednesday, August 8 from 5:30 pm—8:00 pm. Plan on attending and bring the family for an evening of good food and fun among family and friends. Tickets are $15 and include food and beverages. Kids are free. |
Monday, July 30, 2012 - Mississippi Valley FairOur Davenport Rotary tradition continues on Monday, July 30th as we head to the Mississippi Valley Fair. We will meet in the Pavilion, on the West side of the grounds across from the horse barns. To avoid delays ENTER THE FAIR THRU THE LOCUST STREET GATES ACROSS FROM McDONALDS. Riefe's will cater lunch. The fair has recently completed a new, state of the art, $1.4 million livestock building. Fair board member Rich Coussens, will discuss the project and take us on a tour of the facility. In addition, the Evans United Shows will have a ride up and running for interested attendees. Fair Manager, Bob Fox, will give a brief presentation, always filled with a few surprises. And, we will also be given information on the tremendous positive economic impact the fair has on our community. According to the Quad Cities Convention and Visitor Bureau the fair has an impact of over $23,400,000 to our local economy. The 2012 fair has all the great Open Class and 4-H competitions, plus many other features like the National Belgian Horse Show. The impressive grandstand line up includes Rodney Atkins, The Band Perry, Billy Currington, Brantley Gilbert, REO Speedwagon, Hank Williams Jr., and Montgomery Gentry. |