Parenting Inside Out (PIO) is a parent management training program for fathers involved in the criminal justice system that live in Scott County and have at least one child age zero to five. It is intended to equip parents with cognitive and behavioral skills they can use to solve problems in their daily lives as well as with their children and families. Join us on Monday, June 17 to hear from PIO facilitator Lindsay Deckert and hear more about the program and how it works to support the transfer of skills learned in the program to everyday life outside of incarceration.

Lindsay facilitates “Parenting Inside Out” through the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.  The program is a partnership between the Extension and County Sheriff’s Office and is funded by Scott County Kids.  She received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Iowa and her Masters in School Counseling from Western Illinois University. She has spent the past two years working as the Parenting Inside Out Coach and Educator.